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那是每一个单元。That's units.

联系涉外单位。Contact foreign units.

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单位于是更宠着她了。So more units Chongzhao her.

对隐形单位最佳用。Best used with stealthed units.

以后还会遇上其它单位Then we'll come to other units.

腐蚀者用于攻击空中单位。The corruptor attacks air units.

IAT是一个时间单位。IAT is represented in time units.

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发电机组的控制处。The control panel of power units.

语音数据数字单元?。VDD?Voice and Data Digital units?

每层有四套房子。There are four units in one level.

这是使用国际单位制单位的好处。Here is the value of using SI units.

实验共记录了87个中缝核单位。We recorded 87 units in NR altogether.

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您拥有什么组织的单元?What organizational units do you have?

联合国军也同样伤亡惨重。Casualties were heavy for UN units too.

此外,反重力如何影响埋地单位?Also, how does it affect burrowed units?

利用放射治疗机来治疗癌症。Cancer is treated by radiotherapy units.

我们有许多品牌是没有自动回带装置的。We have many units without auto-reverse.

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弹药被用来补给作战单位。Ammunition is used for resupplying units.

各单元通过DDE协议连结起来。Each units are connected by DDE protocol.

该公司分成几个较小单位。The company dissolved into smaller units.