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和该隐是非常愤怒,他的面容下跌。And Cain was very wroth , and his countenance fell.

大卫王听见这事,就甚发怒。But when king David heard of all these things, he was very wroth.

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祖父骑士是如此的暴怒,丹尼甚是担心会血溅当场。Ser Grandfather had been so wroth that Dany feared blood might be shed.

看起来石匠们也对她怒目相视,而砖匠们也一样。The stonemasons were wroth with her, it seemed. The bricklayers as well.

没有人值得你为他落泪,值得的那个人是不会让你哭的。No man on woman is wroth your ters. and the one who is won't make you cry.

从前法老恼怒臣仆,把我和膳长下在护卫长府布的监里。Pharaoh was wroth with his servants, and put me in ward in the captain of the guard's house, both me and the chief baker

在排练进行之中,他似乎对一些小事都表现得愤怒至极,嗓门也相应地变得越来越大。As the drilling proceeded, he seemed to wax exceedingly wroth over trifles, and to increase his lung power in proportion.

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说错一个词,一个不妥的眼神,或者一次不合时宜的笑声,任何人都会惹得大人狂怒不已而代价便是那个不知趣的家伙的皮了。One wrong word, an ill-considered look, an ill-timed laugh, any of them could provoke his lordship's wroth and cost a man a strip of skin.

为了从盛怒的康华里候爵手中救出效忠派的后代,她耗尽了自己的财富和权势,最后贫困交加死在巴黎。She died in poverty in Paris after using what wealth and influence she had in saving the children of Loyalists from the wroth of Cornwall.

摩西向打仗回来的军长,就是千夫长,百夫长,发怒And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle.

摩西,亚伦就俯伏在地,说,神,万人之灵的神阿,一人犯罪,你就要向全会众发怒吗And they fell upon their faces, and said, O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt thou be wroth with all the congregation?

“够了,”拉姆西大人挥舞着他沾满血的长矛吼道,“再威胁一次我就统统了你们。我的父亲大人刚刚说了!忍着你们的愤怒,统统对觊觎者史坦尼斯发泄去吧。”"Enough, " roared Lord Ramsay, brandishing his bloody spear. "Another threat, and I'll gut you all myself. My lord father has spoken! Save your wroth for the pretender Stannis. "

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陕西民间舞蹈艺术以其悠久的历史、深厚的文化积淀,以及鲜明的地域特色成为中华民族民间舞蹈文化的一块瑰宝,值得珍视和保护。With long-aged history , profound cultural accumulation and distinctive regional style , Shaanxi folk dance has become a treasure of Chinese folk dance culture and is wroth cherishing and preserving.