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因为我不能赦免你的乔迪。For I can not pardon Geordie"."

还是仅仅因为他是个著名的高地人?Or is it just that he is a famous Geordie ?

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我在医学院的时候就学会了滑雪。我至少敢保证有一个乔迪人是会滑雪的。I learnt to ski while I was studying medicine so we can safely say there is one Geordie who can ski.

卡里克在曼联和英格兰队的成功可能让热刺的预备条款大赚一笔。Michael Carrick's ability to succeed with United and England has been given the endorsement of a Geordie legend.

公司经过多年的研制,成功的开发出了世界上第一盏冷光源安全型矿灯。After many years' development, the company has successfully developed the worldwide first cold light source geordie.

2006年,琳达沃克60岁,从中风中醒来的她发现她的泰恩赛德口音变成了牙买加口音。In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one.

在一个病例中,有一位纽卡斯尔患者,此前讲话是泰恩赛德口音,但中风后却变成牙买加口音,并时而夹杂斯洛伐克口音。In one case, a stroke victim from Newcastle switched from speaking with a broad Geordie accent to a Jamaican, and occasionally Slovak, tone.

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而现实情况是社会主义国家的中国目前的贫富悬殊程度在亚洲仅次于菲律宾,超过了所有的欧洲国家和美国。为什么会这样呢?However, the actual situation is the Geordie Coefficient of China was 0.48, which was higher than all European countries and the US. Why was that?

这个讨人喜欢的北方佬在安菲尔德待了六年,几乎踢过除守门员以外的所有位置,在每个位置上都表现优异。In the six years that he spent at Anfield the likeable Geordie played in almost every position apart from goalkeeper and excelled in every one of them.

现在圣詹姆斯球场的头号目标已经浮现,他就是曼联的卡里克,这位出生于英格兰北部的球员自小就是纽卡的球迷。And the number one target for the St James Park club has emerged in the shape of Manchester United's Michael Carrick, the Geordie who grew up as a member of the Toon Army.

作为高地的传奇人物,希勒比其它人更了解欧文,他说欧文热爱泰茵河畔的生活,他的妻子和孩子都在这个地方定居了。And Geordie legend Shearer, who knows Owen better than most, insists that the former Real Madrid ace is loving life on Tyneside with his wife and children settled in the area.

我国居民收入分配差距悬殊表现在基尼系数偏高,行业收入差距悬殊,高低收入群体之间差距不断扩大。The huge gap in resident income distribution in Cbina lies in the high Geordie coefficient and a growing income gaps in different sectors and between the groups with higher and lower incomes.

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他希望球迷们能更多的看到欧文穿着黑白球衣,因为从皇马转会来后因伤病而只为纽卡出场14次。And he's hoping the Geordie fans will see a lot more of Owen in a black and white shirt after injuries have restricted him to a mere 14 appearances in two seasons since joining from Real Madrid.