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第三是症状的多样性。The third is the multiplicity of symptoms.

通用汽车用不同档次多种品牌“抱团”打天下的策略也开始受挫。GM's strategy of offering a multiplicity of brands started to fray.

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专有名词就是对于多重性的当下体悟。The proper name is the instantaneous apprehension of a multiplicity.

胃肠道神经纤维瘤及GISTs的常见特点是多发。Multiplicity is a common feature in GI tract neurofibromas and GISTs.

它还解释了我们在通讯中使用特定多重性的原因。It also explains why we use a specific multiplicity in the correspondence.

研究了固定多重数时的两粒子赝快度关联。Two-particle pseudorapidity correlations at fixed multiplicity have been studied.

图的零度是指在图的谱中特征值0的重数。The nullity of a graph is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero in its spectrum.

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按照经典的自由主义观点,教派的多元化是一件好事。From a classical liberal point of view, this multiplicity of sects is a good thing.

脆弱生态环境地区复杂多样,易被破坏。The weak ecological environments are complex and multiplicity. And they are damageable.

还带您创建了业务模型并设置了一些指定的详细信息,比如标签和多重性。You have created business models and specified details such as labels and multiplicity.

程序并具有功能齐全而要求的输入数据少的特点。The program is characterized by its multiplicity of functions and fewness of data-input.

杜甫长安十年诗歌创作内容丰富,形式多样。The ten-years poesy of Du Fu in Chang'an was abundance in content and multiplicity in form.

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测量参数少是造成反演解释多解性的原因之一。As we know, the few measured parameters will lead to multiplicity of inversion and interpretation.

为这些变量提供一个数据类型,确保使用正确的类型和正确的多样性。Provide a data type for these variables, both with the right type and with the right multiplicity.

研究了年龄结构人口胎次递进算子复本征值的代数指标问题。This paper discussed the algebraic multiplicity of the complex eigenvalues of population operator.

在教学形式上多元化,注重培养学生的自主探究能力。The self-exploration ability of students is basically trained under the multiplicity teaching mode.

生成动物总是牵涉到一群、一夥、一族、一团、总之一大多数。A becoming-animal always involves a pack, a band, a population, a peopling, in short, a multiplicity.

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你们的星球正在进入一个关键性的过渡状态,其特征是出现了多重乱世高潮点。Your planet is entering a critical transition state, characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes.

这种语义双重性或多重性,也可以用来解读唐钰涵的其他作品。Meanwhile, this duality or multiplicity meaning can also be used to interpret other works of Han Yutang.

随着翻译研究的不断深入,出现了翻译标准多元性的提法。With the deep-going study of translation, the view of the multiplicity of translation criteria is proposed.