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鲍兹·尼格罗一直没有重新修建他的房屋。Boaz Negro did not rebuild his house.

于是,波阿斯娶了路得为妻,与她同房。So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife.

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而波阿斯与路得,便是大卫王的曾祖父母。Boaz and Ruth were the great-grandparents of king David.

当那位至亲作出决定之后,便轮到波阿斯发言。As soon as the unknown relative's decision was known Boaz spoke up.

波阿斯问监管收割的仆人说、那是谁家的女子。Boaz asked the foreman of his harvesters, "Whose young woman is that?"

当拿俄米从路得口中得知波阿斯如何善待她们,心中感到异常的感动和兴奋。Naomi was tremendously excited when she heard what Boaz had said and done.

接著我们听到门外有人在叫喊,原来是波阿斯已经获得同意,可以娶路德为妻。Outside we heard shouting, and we figured that Boaz had been granted permission.

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尽管鲁思对请求波阿斯照顾自己和内奥米感到害羞,但她还是同意了。Although Ruth felt shy about asking Boaz to look after herself and Naomi, she agreed.

波阿斯和摩押女子路得在大约主前的1120年结婚,那个时期也正是睚珥作士师的时候。Boaz married Ruth the Moabitess about 1120BC which was in the time of the Jair Judge.

波阿斯正从伯利恒来,对收割的人说,愿耶和华与你们同在。Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters, "The LORD be with you!"

波阿斯问监管收割的仆人说、那是谁家的女子。Then Boaz said to his servant who was in authority over the cutters , Whose girl is this?

波阿斯在收割禾田时,上帝也祝福他,连他的工人也同蒙福。So was Boaz blessed when he reaped his harvest, and his workmen met him with benedictions.

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到了吃饭的时候,波阿斯对路得说,你到这里来吃饼,将饼蘸在醋里。At mealtime Boaz said to her, "Come over here. Have some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar."

拿俄米知道波阿斯是他们的亲戚,却不知道还有另一个人与她们有更亲的关系。Naomi knew Boaz was a relative but did not know there was another man even closer in relationship.

就像她为拿俄米拾取麦穗,她现在想最为波阿斯的妻子服侍他。Just as she had worked for Naomi gleaning the wheat she now wanted to minister to Boaz as his wife.

如今,波阿斯与路得终于相遇,故事便开始发展至它的高潮。BOAZ-THE MAN OF GOD Now Boaz and Ruth have met and the story begins to develop further to its climax.

拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中,有一个人名叫波阿斯,是一个大财主。Now Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz.

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波阿斯很高兴鲁思来向他寻求帮助,并让她带着麦子回家做为给内奥米的礼物。Boaz was pleased that Ruth had come to him for help, and sent her home with a gift of barley for Naomi.

于是路得与波阿斯的使女常在一处拾取麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。So Ruth stayed close to the servant girls of Boaz to glean until the barley and wheat harvests were finished.

然而,波阿斯却清楚知道,路得虽是摩押女子,但她已真心信靠以色列的神。Boaz clearly recognised that although Ruth had come from Moab, she had become a true believer in Israel's God.