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他在诊所里戒毒。He detoxed at a clinic.

开个心理诊所。Open up a psych clinic.

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我到了Hillbrow诊所。I went to Hillbrow clinic.

迈克在一家牙科诊所工作。Mike works in a dental clinic.

想开个诊所?Want to start a health clinic?

这家诊所有在治疗出疹。This clinic treats for a rashes.

诊所使服用海洛因的人戒去毒瘾。The clinic detoxes heroin addicts.

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孩子是在一个医疗站接生的。The baby was delivered in a clinic.

此外,诊所还采用了易货体系。Also, the clinic uses a barter system.

他提早下班,到门诊所看病去了。He got off early and went to the clinic.

你好,这里是陈医生的诊所。我可以帮你什么忙吗?Hello, Dr. Chen's clinic. May I help you?

一个星期前,我在诊所里还笨手笨嘲的。I was so clumsy a week ago in the clinic.

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他20岁时,开了他立业的第一个诊所。He started his first clinic when he was 20.

克利夫兰诊所的心理学家。Susan Albers, psychologist, Cleveland Clinic

该病无特异的临床症状,术前极难确诊。The disease has no apparant clinic symptoms.

巡回医疗队每周来这个村一次。A mobile clinic visits this village every week.

朱莉安娜在伯克利的免费诊所做志愿者。Juliane volunteers at the Berkeley Free Clinic.

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痔疮是临床上最常见的疾病之一。Hemorrhoid is the most common disease in clinic.

氯胺酮、丙酚是临床广泛使用的静脉麻醉药。Ketamine and propofol are widely used in clinic.

唐大爷去了趟卫生所,拿了些药,药是免费的。He went to the clinic to get some drugs for free.