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我有一块橡皮。I have an eraser.

哪块橡皮你喜欢?Which eraser do you like?

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哎呦!你有一个橡皮擦吗!Oops ! Do you have an eraser?

你有橡皮擦吗是的,我有。Do you have an eraser Yes, I do.

擦子在她的铅笔盒子里。The eraser is in her pencil box.

好的。我的黑板擦完了。I put an eraser in the classroom.

黑板擦擦掉粉笔字迹。Rub out chalk marks with an eraser.

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在使用的黑板擦几乎都破了。The eraser in use is almost broken.

打扰一下,这个橡皮多少钱?Execuse me, how much is this eraser ?

我的橡皮又到哪里去了?Now where did my eraser go this time?

你有没有另一个擦子可以借我?。Do you have another eraser I can borrow?

在老师的桌上有一块黑板擦。On the teacher's desk there's an eraser.

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这确保你的橡皮擦有个轮廓鲜明的边线。Thisensures your eraser has a hard edge.

现在我们终于要谈到量子抹除器了。Now we finally get to the quantum eraser.

两个蜘蛛都有铅笔头橡皮的大小。Both were about the size of a pencil eraser.

他们是把橡皮从一个人传给另一个人吗?Do they pass the eraser from one to another?

把你的擦子递给我,我来把黑板擦干净。Pass me your eraser to make the board clean.

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请用这个板擦把黑板擦乾净。Please clean the blackboard with the eraser.

老师用板擦擦掉句子。The teacher erases the sentence with an eraser.

天啦,放去哪里了呢?小静你看到我那个大大的橡皮了吗?God, where is it? Jng did you see my big eraser?