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小右是有意识的。Righty is aware.

她在政治上有头脑。She is politically aware.

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要注意自己的心声。Become aware of self-talk.

她查觉到他的缺点。She is aware of his fault.

他们都清楚地意识到了这点。They are well aware of this.

当心天花板,想知道宝盈策略基金。先生。Be aware of the ceiling, sir.

她意识到被林静骗了。She was aware of Lin cheated.

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很快军队里大部分人都知道了这件事。Soon most of them were aware.

他们注意到了我的努力。They were aware of my efforts.

要注意发挥你的品牌的声音。Be aware of your brand’s voice.

有意识的自我对话。Become aware of your self-talk.

一定要知道对象的地址。Be aware of the object addresses.

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至少你可以关注国家大事。The least you can do is be aware.

我在1997年首次意识到这个问题。I first became aware of it in 1997.

我一直知道奶奶深爱着我们。I was always aware Granny loved us.

我没有意识到将要来临的危险。I’m not aware of th e coming danger.

保持对你的行为有意识。Be aware of your actions atall times.

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生活在无止境的恐惧中,只要意识到就行了。Live in constant fear, just be aware.

以正念明觉,为佛陀的法的继承人。The Buddha's heir, aware and mindful.

他们应该知道他们的权利。They should be aware of their rights.