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休斯顿甚至没有区域法,Houston,doesn’t even have zoning laws.

我不认为这里有做过任何区域规划。I don't think there was any zoning done here.

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且以水平分带尤为明显。The horizontal zoning is distinctively obvious.

市议会投票反对都市分区计划的提议。The city council voted against the zoning proposal.

因此,以安全为目的的区域规划往往受到抵制。Therefore, zoning for safety often meets resistance.

硫化物烟囱显示明显的矿物-化学分带。The sulfide chimneys show clear mineral chemical zoning.

分区圣分割成多个独立的子网。Zoning splits a SAN into multiple, isolated subnetworks.

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分区土地总面积269万亩,可利用土地197万亩。Zoning total land area of 269 mu, 197 mu of land can be used.

然后你会看到原来的安系统的分区显示未分配字样。Then you will see an original show zoning system unallocated words.

从而给出了划分泥石流危险区的方法。Then, the method of debris-flow outbreakability zoning is presented.

根据我们的观察,对前肠提出了新的分区。A new scheme for zoning of foregut was proposed based on our observation.

燕山期构造岩浆活动,是上述成矿分带的主要原因。Yanshan tec-tonic movement is the main factor of zoning of metallization.

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矿床垂直构造分带性为"三层楼"分带模式。The structure of the deposit is a "three-storied" zoning model vertically.

从大理岩→滑石矿体→斜长角闪岩具有明显的分带现象。It has obvious horizontal zoning from marble, talc ore body to amphibolite.

所以他们通过了区域限制的特种要求,地震的防御要求。So they got variances on the zoning restrictions, the earthquake ordinances.

国外有句名言,没有土地使用规划和区划法规,就不可能进行优化建设。No land-use planning and zoning ordinance means no optimum urban development.

“对不起,我刚才没注意听,”这位涂着黑眼妆的女学生说。"Sorry, I was zoning out, " said the girl, a junior wearing black eye makeup.

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在上海和加尔各答等三角洲城市,分区治理可能会减轻气候变化的影响。In big delta cities like Shanghai and Kolkata, zoning may provide some relief.

分区规划指已经做出且已标绘在地图上的规划决策。Zoning means the planning decisions which have been made and drawn out on maps.

分区规划指已经做出的规划决策,并已标绘在地图上。Zoning means the planning decisions which have been made and drawn out on maps.