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预设清单包含梅耶西、主总表、索引表。By default, the list includes the Messier, NGC and IC catalogs.

您无法以此按钮移除梅耶西、主总表或索引表。You cannot remove the Messier, NGC or IC catalogs with this button.

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在天空中这些背景星系和NGC7331的组合其实只是一个巧合而已。Their close alignment on the sky with NGC 7331 occurs just by chance.

NGC7771组星系在这幅迷人的天空风景中占重要位置。Galaxies of the NGC 7771 group are featured in this intriguing skyscape.

右上角的这张照片是相对处于平静期的4145星系。The picture at upper right shows a relatively calm galaxy called NGC 4145.

NGC口袋妖怪XD暗黑路基亚在哪里买精灵球啊?Where does dark dark road of NGC bag monster XD Jiya buy intelligent ball?

锁定国家地理频道,看看这些养殖者是否真能助太空计划一臂之力。Tune in to NGC to see if the farmers can really give the space program a hand.

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这个星系被称为NGC941,在它的中心附近有大量的气体、尘埃带。The galaxy, known as NGC 4911, contains rich lanes of dust and gas near its center.

该希克森星系群的第四名成员是位于影像左上角的漩涡星系NGC3185。The spiral in the upper left corner is NGC 3185, the 4th member of the Hickson group.

这个奇特的行星状星云NGC2818巢居在疏散星团NGC2818A的内部。The unique planetary nebula NGC 2818 is nested inside the open star cluster NGC 2818A.

和夜空中明亮的椭圆星系NGC3193一起时,他们也被称作Arp316。Along with the bright elliptical, NGC 3193 at the right, they are also known as Arp 316.

哈勃太空望远镜提供了无可比拟的快照NGC1672星系附近的棒旋星系。Hubble has delivered an unrivalled snapshot of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672.

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NGC2818是银河系中少数几个位于疏散星团内部的行星状星云之一。NGC 2818 is one of very few planetary nebulae in our galaxy located within an open cluster.

这幅“智慧”美图显示的是花朵状星云——NGC237,即玫瑰星云。This WISE image shows off the flower-shaped nebula, NGC 2237, also known as the rosette nebula.

就大小而言,NGC3190在希克森44星系群估计距离上大约横跨75000光年。For scale, NGC 3190 is about 75, 000 light-years across at the estimated distance of Hickson 44.

一般认为他和临近星系交互作用,是推动他恒星形成活动的主因。Interactions with the nearby galaxies are thought to have influenced star formation in NGC 4449.

这幅NGC6357的照片是哈勃太空望远镜上的宽视野行星照相机2于2002年4月拍摄的。The images of NGC 6357 were taken with Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 in April 2002.

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这颗恒星是在2264颗星标记星系星团的一部分,作为雪花称为集群。The star is part of the open cluster of stars labelled NGC 2264 and known as the Snowflake cluster.

炽热的恒星内核会在几十亿年里逐渐冷却,内核在这段时间里叫做白矮星。The hot, remnant stellar core of NGC 2818 will eventually cool off for billions of years as a white dwarf.

这个星系在红外线区域很明亮,富含气体和尘埃,这些都显示出恒星正以飞快的速度形成。NGC 6946 is bright in infrared light and rich in gas and dust, exhibiting a furious rate of star formation.