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那边就是缅甸了。您瞧。That side is Myanmar. Look.

缅甸至今未得到过奥运奖牌。Myanmar has yet to win an Olympic medal.

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在缅甸佛牙舍利无疑很受欢迎。The tooth clearly is popular in Myanmar.

云南与越南、寮国、缅甸为邻。Yunnan borders Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar.

缅甸语是缅甸的官方语言。Burmese is the official language of Myanmar.

总有一天,缅甸将会再次成为主要的出口国家。One day Myanmar will reemerge as a major exporter.

在缅甸取得艺术成功不仅需要琅琅上口的流行歌曲。Making it in Myanmar takes more than popular songs.

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缅甸的货币为缅元,由100缅分构成。Myanmar currency is the kyat , made up of 100 pyas.

蒲甘和女权天使是缅甸文化的主要反映。Bagan and Mandalay are the seats of Myanmar culture.

猜谜语是缅族男女青年谈情说爱的媒介。Riddle is widely used when young Myanmar are dating.

梭温介绍了缅甸国内形势。Soe Win introduced the domestic situations of Myanmar.

一位妇女正在往缅甸仰光的这个湖里给鱼放生。A woman releases fishes into the lake in Yangon, Myanmar.

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和中国的打洛镇相接壤的就是缅甸的小勐拉。Bordering China's Daluo is the town of Minela of Myanmar.

他在缅甸史中被铭记为王中之王。He is remembered in Myanmar History as the King of Kings.

这个地图上没有八廓泰国到柬埔寨的线路。The map does not include a link between Thailand and Myanmar.

缅甸跟缅甸联邦的百姓确实求助无门。People in Burma or in the Union of Myanmar are indeed helpless.

中国在缅甸的高铁建设项目将在2个月内启动。Work on high-speed rail between China, Myanmar starts in 2 mths.

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缅甸东北部地区发生余震,不断有房屋倒塌。More houses collapse in after-shocks in Myanmar northeastern part.

正当我写这篇文章时,另一强风暴即将登陆缅甸。And as I write this, another storm appears to be headed to Myanmar.

当然核化的缅甸对于中国是不利的。It's certainly not in China's interest to see a nuclearized Myanmar.