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衣领上的唇膏印吗?Lipstick on your collar?

使用你的颜色最红的唇膏。Use your reddest lipstick.

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这款是防水口红。This is waterproof lipstick.

我说,我是否涂了口红?I said, am I wearing lipstick?

那么口红指数真的没用吗?So is the lipstick index dead?

在你的领子上留下唇印。Spotting lipstick on your collar.

把唇线笔当作眼线笔使用或者反一反?Can you use lipstick on your eyes?

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我想要不易掉色的口红。I want lipstick that stays on well.

米妮赶紧抹了口红.Minnie smears the lipstick in hurry.

绝大部分的唇膏里都含有鱼鳞成分。Most lipstick contains fish scales.

你唇膏涂的有点厚了。You went a bit wide on the lipstick.

能借你的护肤霜和口红吗?Can I borrow your cream and lipstick?

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喂喂喂,别用我的口红,那可不行。Hey! it's a no-no to use my lipstick.

那天,她还涂了少量的红色唇膏。She also wore a hint of red lipstick.

你用灿烂的赤色唇膏看起来最好。You look best in bright red lipstick.

唇膏从未如此矜贵!Lipstick has never been this precious.

用唇膏顶部画唇线唇线。Use your lip liner on top of lipstick.

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他回家时脸上还带着口红印呢。He came home with lipstick on his face.

她衣领上有唇印?男士说,“没关系”。Lipstick on Her Collar? Men Say, ‘O.K.’

姑娘用唇膏乱涂了一下嘴唇。The girl daubed her lips with lipstick.