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奥巴马一直在努力反驳这种谣言。Mr. Obama is making an intense effort to rebut those claims.

这封公开信是反驳抽象派论点的。This open letter is to rebut the argument of abstractionism.

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要小心,不要用问题来反驳或者来表达你的观点。Be careful not to use questions to rebut or represent your point-of-view.

这篇文章的分析错得如此离谱,以致我不知道从哪里开始进行反驳。This analysis is so wrong that I do not know where I should to start to rebut.

有的人反对人们都喜欢食物这个说法,我下面将要对这个进行反驳。There's one big argument against people liking food that I'm going to rebut right now.

被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.

许多人试图驳斥上述问题,但每次尝试却只能引发更多争议。Many attempts have been made to rebut such concerns, but each attempt has just fueled more debate.

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这里没有足够的篇幅来一一驳斥这些理由,但请记住以下几点There's not enough room here to rebut each of these statements, but keep the following points in mind

谢天赐终于把自己对谢家的不满暴露了出来,谢若雪则奋力反驳他的言论。Tse finally dissatisfaction with Xie Gu exposed himself, Xie Re snow has struggled to rebut his comments.

暴力和偷窃,铁定是错误的。但政府却置之不理。Violence and theft are presumptively wrong, and calling yourself "the government" does nothing to rebut these presumptions.

除了改写历史,普京先生还再次封锁俄罗斯档案,并立法规定任何与其历史观相左之人都有罪。As well as rewriting the past, Mr Putin has closed Russia’s archives again and criminalised attempts to rebut his version of history.

自从五月份索托马约尔得到提名,几个月来她一直受到司法偏见的指责,昨天她第一次有机会对此作出公开反驳。Sotomayor yesterday had her first opportunity to publicly rebut months allegations of judicial bias that followed her appointment in May.

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而承运人试图推翻这一推定,必须借助举证说明货损的原因以及自己已尽了合理谨慎之责。If carriers try to rebut the inference, they should supply the evidence to show the reasons of the damage or loss and their due diligence.

原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims. The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.

有批评指责奥巴马和Salazar拖了新油田和气田开发的后腿,今天的这份报告并没有对此作出反驳。Critics have accused Barack Obama and Salazar of dragging their feet on new oil and gas drilling, and today's report does little to rebut them.

他还宣称自己没有“义务提供”场所给“愤青”和“脑残”,也就是那些也许会驳斥他惯常推销的那些理念的网民。And he declared that he has "no obligation to provide" space for "ranters" and "whiners" who might rebut the ideology that he routinely markets.

美中贸易理事会着重强调中国市场过去的成功和未来的机会很好地反驳了美国国会议员们的抱怨。His organization is underscoring the recorded successes and future chances that the Chinese market offers to rebut complaints from US Congressmen.

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惠誉表示,尽管这些因素当中没有一项意味着公司存在诈欺,但却让公司难以对违规指控做出辩驳.While none of these factors mean a company is fraudulent, they can make it harder for the company to rebut allegations of irregularities, Fitch said.

第五十二条原告可以放弃或者变更诉讼请求。被告可以承认或者反驳诉讼请求,有权提起反诉。Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims. The defendant may admit or rebut the claims and shall have the right to file counterclaims.

她还说他们对任何公开提出人工化学品和健康问题之间可能存在关联的研究成果,会迅速展开辩驳。Freinkel says they're quick to rebut any studies that come out suggesting a correlation between exposure to synthetic chemicals and possible health issues.