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她让痢疾搞得身体非常虚弱。She has been debilitated by dysentery.

他因吃不饱变得非常虚弱。He was greatly debilitated by lack of food.

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肺炎的长期折磨,使他变得很虚弱。The siege of pneumonia debilitated him completely.

现在我需要休息一下,这个夜晚让我精疲力竭。Now I need some rest, this evening's game has really debilitated me.

且患者舒适,特别适合高龄和重症患者,便于临床推广应用。It is more practical and more easy to perform for aged and debilitated patients.

这病人因发烧而一直很虚弱,以致于连坐起来的力气都没有。The patient had been so debilitated by the fever that he lacked the strength to sit up.

它们变得日益虚弱,大量水性带血的液体充斥于其肺部。They became progressiely more debilitated and profuse watery and bloody liquid filled the lungs.

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我们犯这种错误是因为我们抗拒看到亲近的需要,甚至是出于最虚弱的老人。We make this mistake when we refuse to see the needs for intimacy even in the most debilitated elderly.

通常这带来的关系会让你们双方都感到自卑、失败和疲惫不堪。Often this aspect creates a relationship in which you both feel inferior, unsuccessful, and debilitated.

在以后的8年里,他一直遭受着不大恰当的治疗,使他的身体因肌肉骨骼疼痛而虚弱不堪。For the next eight years he struggled with suboptimal treatment that left him debilitated from musculoskeletal pain.

他虚弱的肺结核和在1898年交换了积极的生活方式在莫斯科的安宁雅尔塔。He became debilitated by tuberculosis and in 1898 exchanged his active lifestyle in Moscow for the tranquility of Yalta.

并且手术简便,并发症少,年老体衰患者均能安全地耐受。This technique had been confirmed to be simple, safe, few complications, and good tolerance in elderly debilitated patients.

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凡弗利特的研究表明,那些由于羞耻让他们感到疲惫不堪的的人们往往存在内部化和过度个性化的情况。Van Vliet's research shows that people who feel debilitated by shame tend to internalize and over-personalize the situation.

适合的患者是很虚弱的,因这种病导致导致呼吸困难、劳累和充血性心力衰竭。The patients who qualified were debilitated by the disease, which causes shortness of breath, fatigue and congestive heart failure.

所以当他签署宣言后,20万黑人加入联合军,这削弱了南方的经济并巩固了自己的军队。Thus, when he issued the proclamation, it debilitated the Southern economy and bolstered his own military, as 200, 000 blacks joined the Union Army.

男性激素睾丸素导致男子的身体比较弱,更糟的是,男子往往比女子块头大,所以在体格上也吃了亏。They are debilitated by the male sex hormone testosterone and, to make matters worse, men, who tend to be larger than women, are encumbered by their size.

它已经帮助了成千上万的男男女女,由无聊、单调沉闷、有时甚至是无精打采的生存转变成为充满活力、富有意义、令人满意的生活。He has helped thousands of men and women change their lives from boring, humdrum, sometimes debilitated existences to vibrant, meaningful, rewarding lives.

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比如,大脑中有一个部位叫海马体,它是记忆形成的基本核心,但长期的精神压力会使其变得十分脆弱。One example is a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is a primary locus of memory formation, but which can be seriously debilitated by chronic stress.

我们希望看见提升出现在人类种族之中,由于肠道的衰弱本性,大部分人类还是有食用肉类的必要。We desire to see ascension come forth in the human species, and consumption of flesh is necessary for most humans due to the debilitated nature of the intestinal tract.

红烛啊,你摇曳的烛焰就像您疲惫、瘦弱的身躯那么飘摇,可在学生的眼里却是那么的坚定!Oh, my dear teacher, you're just like the red candle, your debilitated , thin body shakes like the flickering flame. But do you know, in your students' eyes, you're so steady!