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心甾感情中轮回就卜再高贵。Heart in sentiment samsara no longer noble.

整个再生的过程就称为轮回。The whole process of rebirths is called samsara.

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甜蜜的亲吻,绝望的等待,痛苦的轮回。Sweet kiss, desperate waiting, the pain of samsara.

守十善只能生天界而守十戒能出离世间。Keeping Ten Precepts can help us to get out of the Samsara.

日月轮回,镰刀,铁锤讲述着斗争的航程。Samsara moon, sickle, hammer about the struggle of the voyage.

中道就坐落于轮回和涅槃之间The Middle Path here is to straddle between Samsara and Nirvana

服务是慈航。借着它你便能横越生死轮回的海洋。Service is the ship by which one can cross the ocean of Samsara.

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站在奈何桥,看迩生生世世轮回。Standing on the helpless bridge, see you shengshengshishi samsara.

您必需把他们也想成是轮回中的众生之一。You have to think of them also as one of the sentient beings in Samsara.

红瞳内的悲哀,彼岸花的心语,几番轮回。In red pupil sorrow, other shore flower's heart language, several samsara.

将七根大钉钉于轮回与涅盘之狭路上。By putting the seven great nails of the narrow paths of samsara and nirvana.

将七根大钉钉于轮回与涅槃之狭路上。By putting the seven great nails of the narrow paths of samsara and nirvana.

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将七根大钉钉于轮回与涅盘之狭路上。By putting the seven great nails on the narrow paths of samsara and nirvana.

一旦受到“轮回转世”的启发,我们就得以解脱了。Once we are enlightened the cycle of samsara ends and we are liberated from it.

六道变幻之间,谁能认明自己的前身?Actually, Six Realms of Samsara never stop, who can recognize his previous life?

轮迴和涅槃不过是相异表相的基本合体。Samsara and nirvana are nothing but different manifestations of a basic continuum.

是否生死构造是一个不停止的循环,就如同永劫輪迴或不停止地转世說一般呢?Is Life-Death structure a non-stop cycle just as Samsara or never-ended reincarnation? 5.

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因此,涅槃与轮回之间的二元性,只是常规水平上的区分。Thus, the duality between nirvana and samsara is only accurate on the conventional level.

这个是因为我们不健全的身、口、意所造的业,才使我们在生死轮迴中一直轮转。It is unwholesome actions of body, mouth, and mind that are keeping us revolving in samsara.

梦没有醒来,只有轮回!我希望还能再下个轮回再相遇!Dreams don't wake up, only reincarnation! I want also to be able to meet again next samsara again!