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田野调查是民族学研究的主要方法。Fieldwork is the main method applied in ethnological studies.

第三章孟子民族观主要内容。The third part is about the main content of Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint.

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开展中国民族学田野调查,是中国早期民族学研究的一项重要工作。Ethnological field work is an important job for the early ethnological research of China.

弘扬和培育民族精神对于加快现代化建设,实现民族的伟大复兴有重要意义。It is of great significance to foster and carry forward ethos for modernization and ethnological renewal.

习语是民族语言文化的结晶,在英语语言中占重要地位。Idioms are the crystallizations of ethnological linguistic culture, and they play an important role in English.

这一认识使作者在民族学研究中注重社会历史因素。This observation led the author to emphasize the significance of social historical perspectives in ethnological studies.

这些永垂不朽的诗篇在人类学方面很有价值,它大大地提高了这些诗篇在其它方面的卓越成就。These poems, ever fresh and ever marvelous, possess an ethnological value which enhances immensely their other excellences.

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民族影视成败的关键在于艺术的独特性,而独特性的根基在于民族文化、思想和审美精神。They have evolved to be the organic and important components of the ethnological filming and TV arts, both in contents and in form.

笔者认为,宗教文化类型是对当代中国民族学·人类学诸多理论的继承和补充。I argue that the theory can be nothing but a complement to the theoretical trend of ethnological and anthropological studies in China.

论文的绪论部分概述了民族观,后分四个章节叙述孟子民族观。In prolegomenon this paper summarizes ethnological viewpoints, Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint is narrated in the following four parts.

本文将从一些具有代表性的数字入手,探讨其在英语习语中所体现的西方文化内涵和民族文化心理。This essay discussed the cultural connotations and the ethnological cultural psychology reflected by some typical English numerical idioms.

我们可以从历史学的、教育学的、社会学和文化学的、文献学的维度来研究教科书。It owns self characteristic. We can research a textbook from historical, pedagogical, sociological, ethnological and philological latitudes.

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族群概念的引入和使用为中国人类学和民族学的研究开辟了一个新天地。The introduction and employment of the concept of ethnic group opened up a new sphere in the anthropological and ethnological research in China.

基于中国媒介主导群体的人种学分析,为媒介理论突破带来了新的视野。This paper, based on an ethnological analysis of the leading colony of Chinese media, gives a new horizon to the theoretical study of the media.

中国民族学已开始进入自觉并走向成熟的第三阶段,即民族学理论与方法的创新阶段。As a result, Chinese ethnology has entered the third stage in the dynamic process to maturity and a new stage of ethnological theory and practice.

在此章,将孟子主要有关政治、经济、道德和教育方面的思想同孟子民族观相联系分而述之。This part combines Mencius main thoughts in politics, economies, moralities and education with Mencius Ethnological Viewpoint and analyses one by one.

他没有呆在原地探索做严密的产品定位工作,顾客的启发,人种学和人类学观察。He didn't do the rigorous positioning work, the metaphor elicitation with customers, the ethnological and anthropological observational in situ research.

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传统文化变迁与民族文化传承,是民族学或文化人类学研究的重要问题。The changes of traditional society and the succession of ethnic cultures have always been an integral part of ethnological or cultural anthropological studies.

文章认为民族学材料对于我们研究艺术起源具有参考价值,但它只能作为类比材料而不能作为实证材料。Ethnological records are valuable references to our studying the origin of arts. But they can only be regarded as analogy materials rather than proof materials.

根据族源、迁徒、民族英雄以及“蛮夷”文化之荟萃的探索,论述其民族学价值。According to being in quest of origin of the nation, migration, ethnic heroes and the essence of primitive culture, we could expound the epics ethnological value.