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做的所有的努力有可能缓和这个敏感的是市场吗?Will all this assuage the cantankerous markets?

那个坏脾气的公共汽车司机因为孩子们唱歌而骂他们。The cantankerous bus driver rouse on the children for singing.

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其余人仍旧唱着反调,依然虔诚于他们的主人撒旦。The others remain cantankerous and loyal to their master Satan.

天晓得,他也许能为这位坏脾气的主厨创作出一种新的韵律供其演唱。Who knows, maybe he'll cook up a new number for the cantankerous chef to sing.

查理说,这是因为我的脾气古怪的性质,尤其是在正在启动。Charlie said it was because of my cantankerous nature, especially when being started.

比尔默里扮演的葬礼导演渴望保持过敏的顾客满意。Bill Murray plays the funeral director anxious to keep the cantankerous customer satisfied.

他们是不易相处的自我主义者,是现代企业中不受欢迎的一群。They are cantankerous egotists, the kind of men who are unwelcome in the modern corporation.

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尽管有时脾气不太好,但和一脸苦大仇深的伍赫相比,她要和蔼可亲得多。Though somewhat cantankerous at times, she was far less surly and unapproachable than the sour-faced Wuher.

“让你们准备的东西难备了没有?”眼睛里闪动的分明就是不怀好意的光芒。"Make the thing that you arrange laborious have been already had?"Twinkle in eyes of remove is a cantankerous ray of light.

袋獾性情十分喜欢吵闹,而且常常为了争夺配偶、保护食物,甚至是躲避猎杀者的追捕而分外狂暴。Tasmanian devils have a notoriously cantankerous disposition and will fly into a maniacal rage when threatened by a predator, fighting for a mate, or defending a meal.

假如我的鞋匠给我做出一双极好的靴子,而我却因为心情不好,缺乏理性,猛地把它们扔到他手上,那么他是有正当理由抱怨的。If my shoemaker turn me out an excellent pair of boots, and I, in some mood of cantankerous unreason, throw them back upon his hands, the man has just cause of complaint.

伟大的创作家很少具有温和的个性。他们是不易相处的自我主义者,是现代企业中不受欢迎的一群。Few of the great creators have bland personalities. They are cantankerous egotists, the kind of men who are unwelcome in the modern corporation. Confessions of an Advertising Man.