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校园猎头便是这些新兴兼职之一。One of these new part-time jobs is that of campus headhunter.

董事会雇佣了一位负责人才招聘的人去物色一位新经理。The board of directors hired a headhunter to get a new manager.

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一间人力仲介公司接洽她并提供另外一家公司的工作。She was approached by a headhunter and offered a job with another company.

一年之后,一个猎头把我挖到一个国家级公司作为一个业务分析员。A year later, a headhunter placed me with a national company as an operations analyst.

笔者在今年三月份,通过猎头公司,去一家外资企业面试。I had a job interview with an overseas-funded company this March through the headhunter.

一天,丈夫约好了一家猎头公司并提前赴约。Then one day the husband arrived ahead of schedule for an appointment with a headhunter.

俞东雷说,有一家猎头挨个给他公司的人打电话,试图挖人。Yu says a headhunter called one desk after another at his business trying to lure people away.

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加布罗表示,除了工作列表外,网站中不会出现任何形式的广告,包括弹出广告。Except for the job listings, Headhunter will be free of advertising, including pop-up ads, says Jablow.

唯一能够让她早日离开的方法,是诱使一个能为她提供更好职位的猎头挖走她。The only way to ensure an early departure is to seduce a headhunter who is able to make her an even better offer.

Headhunter网站上线时共有2,800个职位空缺,其中许多来自凯业必达或其旗下的其他七个小众网站。Headhunter launched with about 2, 800 job listings, many of them from CareerBuilder or its seven other niche sites.

在瑞士,不少因工作太忙而难觅佳偶的高收入单身男女纷纷雇佣一家猎头公司帮他们寻找真爱。In Switzerland, many high-income people who are too busy with work to find their true love ask a headhunter company for help.

不久前,一猎头带我去上班,我和她相处了8小时,我把她的工作情况问了个底朝天。Not long ago a headhunter took me to work for a day and spent eight hours being cross-questioned by me on every aspect of her working life.

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对于自己选择保留一份与外界失去联系、不再有学习机会、让自身锋芒开始隐退的工作,你该如何向猎头解释你的决定?How will you explain to a headhunter that you chose to stick in a rut where you lost connection, stopped learning and started to lose your shine?

如果你是我的公司里的一名猎头,我给你布置了一项搜索任务,然后你在大把的候选人中最后锁定两个或三个人选,那我会炒了你。If you worked as a headhunter in my firm, and I assigned you a search, and you limited your entire universe of candidates to just two or three, I’d fire you.

社交媒体猎头、企业家吉姆•杜宾认为,这只是社交媒体招聘狂潮的部分体现,而这股招聘浪潮还没有会在短期内减缓的迹象。It's all part of an effort to get in on a hiring spree that shows no immediate signs of slowing, says Jim Durbin, a social media headhunter and entrepreneur.

校园猎头便是这些新兴兼职之一。这一职位的工作内容主要是匡助人力资源公司在校内迅速找到合适的工作人选。One of these new part-time jobs is that of campus headhunter. The role involves helping recruitment companies to quickly find suitable job candidates on campus.

校园猎头便是这些新兴兼职之一。这一职位的工作内容主要是帮助人力资源公司在校内迅速找到合适的工作人选。One of these new part-time jobs is that of campus headhunter. The role involves helping recruitment companies to quickly find suitable job candidates on campus.

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为了给他的叙述增添一些“活力”,导演编造了一个有关猎人头酋长基纳达的儿子摩大拿想要努力证明他对部落的价值的连续故事。To add some "pep" to his narrative, the director fabricated a continuity concerning the efforts of Motana, son of headhunter chieftain Kenada, to prove his worthiness to the tribe.