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有些中国男人各个指头上都留着长指甲,但在小指头上留着别扭的长指甲则更是普遍。Some Chinese men keep all of their fingernails long, but the incongruously long pinky nail is rather more common.

最后一行与前面数行拙劣的诗句相比,显得鹤立鸡群,老师有一种似曾相识感。In this last line so incongruously good on the heels of its outrageous precursor the teacher sensed a familiar ring.

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在更短的时间内,高盛必须担心不合理的慷慨付款政策可能带来的反冲。In the shorter term, the bank needs to worry about a possible backlash against its incongruously generous pay policies.

在公共汽车站上还留存着镰刀斧头的马赛克装饰,与边上的雀巢咖啡广告放在一起显得突兀而不协调。The hammer-and-sickle mosaics decorating the bus shelters remain, incongruously flanked by posters advertising Nescafé.

解放前四川西部少数民族地区十分贫穷落后,但作为上层建筑的新闻事业却很发达。The ethnic groups regions before liberation used to be the poorest, yet their journalistic industries were incongruously advanced.

客厅的书架上现在还放着这么一套有意思的书,不协调的是,让这套书立得直直的是一个贝多芬弹琴模型的书档。There was still a set of those fascinating volumes on the living-room bookshelves , incongruously kept upright by a bookend of Beethoven at his piano.

风景不断地变化,从惹人注目的参差不齐地聚在一起的石堆到挪克鲁夫特山脉,这条通往沙漠的公路静了下来。Traffic quiets as the landscape shifts, from dramatic rock piles that converge incongruously to the Naukluft Mountains, a sort of highway toward the dunes.

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塔里克·阿齐兹撑起一张瘦脸,晃着拐杖,颠着香烟,跌坐在破旧的棕色沙发上。他身为基督徒,却顶着穆斯林礼拜帽,颇不协调。Tariq Aziz is slumped on a tattered brown sofa seat cradling his walking stick and cigarettes, his gaunt face topped, incongruously for a practising Christian, by a Muslim prayer cap.

海啸冲入城镇,横扫一切.受灾严重的宫城县气仙沼市街道上横躺着一艘大型货轮,仙台港口的房屋废墟中掩着一架飞机残骸.A large freight ship was sitting incongruously in the streets of Kesennuma in hard-hit Miyagi prefecture. A wrecked airplane lay nose-deep in the rubble of homes in the port of Sendai.

写实主义的讽刺性就是它致力建立于真实的描写上,不协调地为真实的存在提供一个虚构的幻像承诺。Lot Notes The ironic principle of hyperrealism is that it commences on a depiction that is at its utmost realism, incongruously making a beguiling promise of an illusion of its existence.

同样具有代表性的是民间传统观念,认为女人是帮助战士重生的人,不协调的是,在读者所生活的世界,回归的战士可能正是一个女人。So, too, is the folkloric vision of women as midwives to the warrior's rebirth, incongruously offered to readers who live in a world where a returning warrior might well be a woman herself.

于彭那些画于传统长卷上的人物,显然是直接写生的现代慵懒女士,躺在紫檀雕刻的睡椅上,不协调地置入士人雅斋或中国古典庭园里。Yu's languid, clearly contemporary ladies, drawn on traditional scrolls, directly from life, lounge incongruously on carved rosewood divans in Confucian interiors or inhabit classical Chinese gardens.