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迪克一声不响地离开了商店。Dickie left the shop without a word.

但汤姆喜欢上义大利、迪奇和他的钱。But Tom likes Italy, and he likes Dickie 's money.

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迪奇,看那家伙的个头,他比我重20多磅。Look at the size of that guy. he got 20 pounds on me, Dickie.

Dickie为遭受了经济不景气的香港人提供了他们能负担得起的好食物。Dickie offers good food at aprice recession-hit Hong Kongers can afford.

迪基一句话没说就离开了商店,随后拿着一个大布袋回来了。Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.

迪基二话没说就走了。一会儿,他带着一个大布口袋回到店里。Dickie left the shop without a word and returned carrying a large cloth bag.

意大利恩佐梅切拉酒庄的主导产品是维尔迪基奥迪马特利卡DOC的几个系列。Italy Enzo Checa winery is the dominant product, Dickie Matt Lika Audi DOC series.

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张卫健和张茜10日在菲律宾拍摄了婚纱照。Dickie Cheung and Zhang Qian took pre-wedding photos in the Philippines on January 10.

Dickie和他的厨师被笼罩在一个充满蒸汽的角落里,大桶的开水和肉汤就是这蒸汽的来源。In the corner Dickie and his cooks are enveloped insteam rising from vats of boiling water and broth.

一个狼狈的抢匪,在海边推著他的破车,里头躺著失血过多的同夥。Gangster Dickie pushes his broken-down car while his companion Albie lies inside, bleeding from a gunshot wound.

我也要吃饭的。”他在从白金汉宫负责公共关系的职位上退休以后,就成了一位王室时事评论员。I've got to eat, ' says Dickie Arbiter, 70, who became a royal pundit after retiring as a public relations man for Buckingham Palace.

虽然王子没有完成他此次之旅,但是前王宫发言人DA说这仍是一个成功的调度。Althought the prince did not complete his tour, former palace spokesman DA Dickie Arbiter says heit was still a successful employmentdeployment.

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他的家人,包括他的儿子卡勒姆以及他87岁的父亲迪金陪伴他走完了人生最后的旅途。His family, including his son, Calum, and 87-year-old father, Dickie , kept an all-night vigil at his bedside and were with him when he died at 12.55pm.

这附近有一家小面馆,每次我拜访香港都会去哪里吃早餐。There is a noodle shop nearby where I try to have breakfast whenever I visitHong Kong. Dickie Kwong's place always feels like a heightened version of thetumult outside.

这次展览引起报界广泛注意,因为这些画名义上是名家的作品,事实上是迪基自己画的。This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted by Dickie.

哦,也许有人会说那些海狸会被监控起来,而且也会促进旅游业,但在就在霸王龙吃了他的孩子之前谈论起侏罗纪公园时,迪吉-阿腾伯勒也说过这些话。Oh, they may say the beavers will be monitored and they’ll be good for the tourist industry. But that’s what Dickie Attenborough said about Jurassic Park just before the T-rex ate his children.