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施瓦茨在2009年12月19日发表的文章中对此做出了详细的解释。Schwarz explained all this in his Dec. 19, 2009 piece.

当你踏入史瓦兹玩具城,就进了一座玩具乐园。When you step into FAO Schwarz , you step into a wonderland of toys.

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一个无声旋转玩具在FAO斯洛瓦店的深色窗户中旋转。A carousel of quiet toys turned in the darkened windows of FAO Schwarz.

杰弗斯华茨不久将结束他在美国团体中的服务。Jeff Schwarz will in the end his service for AmericCorps AmeriCorps soon, but.

“如果你能压低一支好股票的价格”施瓦茨写到,“那么股价回升之日就是你盆满钵盈之时。"If you can keep a good stock down, " Schwarz wrote, "then you are able to load up for the ride back up.

史瓦兹玩具城由佛瑞德利克奥古斯特奥图史瓦兹于一八七0年创立,逗乐孩童已超过一世纪之久。Founded in 1870 by Frederick August Otto Schwarz, FAO Schwarz has delighted children for more than a century.

罗德施瓦茨公司也为首批战斗机提供无线电系统,并已开始交付第二批。Rohde & Schwarz also delivered the radios for the first tranche and has started deliveries for the second tranche.

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史瓦兹的店里摆满昂贵、奇特的玩具,他要给大家一个地方,让他们买特别且独一无二的玩具。Schwarz filled his store with expensive, exotic toys. He wanted to give people a place to buy special, one-of-a-kind toys.

公司是欧洲最大的电子测量仪器厂商,是无线通信,广播电视发射和测量领域最具影响的跨国公司之一。Rohde & Schwarz are the only suppliers of a complete range of transmission, monitoring and measurement equipment in the world.

此驱动程序可从罗德&施瓦茨的网站,或可能作为的一部分,附带的软件的工具。This driver is available from the Rohde & Schwarz website, or possibly as part of the software that came with the in STrument.

许瓦兹制药于1992年进入中国,并于1997年在国内成立珠海许瓦兹制药有限公司。Schwarz Pharma has made its presence in China since 1992, and 1997 it established a joint venture—Zhuhai Schwarz Pharma Company Limited.

在中国,罗德与施瓦茨公司共有220名员工,在北京、上海、广州、深圳、西安和成都设立了9个分支机构。In China, Rohde & Schwarz has employed 220 people and established 9 branches located in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Xi'an.

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许瓦兹制药于1992年进入中国,并于1997年在国内成立珠海许瓦兹制药有限公司。Schwarz Pharma has made its presence in China since 1992, when 1997 it established a joint venture―Zhuhai Schwarz Pharma Company Limited.

我们在第二章中构造了求解用旋转Q_1有限元离散椭圆型偏微分方程的区域分解方法。In the second chapter, we present an additive Schwarz preconditioner for the rotated Q_1 finite element discretization of second order elliptic problem.

施瓦兹和其他科学家一样戴着3-D眼镜,随着他慢慢将仪器探至头盖骨深处,电脑显示屏上出现了模糊的3-D图像。Like the other scientists in the room, Schwarz was wearing 3-D glasses, and as he inched the instrument deeper inside the skull, a blurry 3-D image appeared on a computer monitor.

本文利用定积分的性质、微分中值定理、施瓦兹不等式、二重积分等内容,研究了积分不等式的四种证法。This article explores the four ways for solving integral inequality with the nature of definite integral, mean value theorem of differentials, Schwarz inequality and double integral.

舒瓦兹自奥地利的维也纳技术大学毕业后便从事宇宙学研究,他最近接受了德国俾勒菲特大学的教职。Schwarz has done research on cosmology since he graduated from the Vienna University of Technology in Austria. He recently accepted a faculty position at the University of Bielefeld in Germany.