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隔日,MF市值损失四分之一。The next day MF disclosed a quarterly loss.

这样,数码相机就把转接环上手动镜头当作自动镜头来处理。Thus, the digital camera will treat the MF lens as the AF lens.

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贝尔系统MF音调体系的一个编钟成为CCITT标准。Variations of the Bell System MF tone scheme became a CCITT standard.

资源浪费也是增加物流量一个重要因素。And, the waste of resources is also the other key fact to rise the flux of MF.

2009年2月,麦视影像为中国航空馆拍摄奠基仪式。Feb 2009, MF shot foundation stone laying ceremony for China Aviation Pavilion.

MF减少诱导痰中嗜酸粒细胞数量和嗜酸粒细胞阳离子蛋白。MF reduced eosinophils and the levels of eosinophilic cationic protein in induced sputum.

因此,EH治疗的新目标已被提高为消退LVH、改善MF和恢复心肌功能。Therefore, the updated cures of EH are to subsidise LVH, improve MF and resume cardiac muscle.

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曼氏期货首席投资官唐加兰特说“美联储出了一记重拳。”"The Fed shot the big cannon today, " said Don Galante , chief investment officer at MF Global.

TL12内置二个钕磁钢12“低频单元和四个6.5”中音元、两个钕磁钢压缩驱动器。TL12 has 2 Neodymium magnet 12"LF units and 4x6.5"MF unit, 2 Neodymium magnets compress drivers.

莫米松糠酸酯治疗组内镜手术的术野要明显好过对照组。The quality of the endoscopic surgical field was significantly better for patients treated with MF.

经亚硝基胍诱变得到一高产水溶性红曲色素变异株MF-098-122。The results showed that strain MF 098122 has high ability to produce water soluble monascus colour.

其他的独立经纪交易商或许会很乐意廉价获得明富环球的客户群。Other independent broker-dealers would love to get their hands on MF Global's customers on the cheap.

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外界普遍认为,乔恩•柯赛当年之所以愿意出任明富环球的掌门人,是为了在华尔街重振雄风。Corzine was widely viewed as attempting to revive his Wall Street career by taking the helm at MF Global.

现在不少膜供应商都能提高不同材质的膜来适应特定场合的应用。A number of MF suppliers are now able to offer a range of membrane materials to suit specific applications.

长沙中频电炉厂成立于1957年,是一家中等规模的中频电炉生产厂家,公司目前有员工400多人。Changsha MF Furnace Work established in 1957, is a medium scale producer of MF furnaces with more than 400 staff.

OSGi在JAR的MANIFEST.MF文件中定义了额外的元数据,用来指明每个包所要求的依赖。OSGi defines additional metadata in the JAR's MANIFEST.MF to indicate required dependencies on a per-package basis.

全球曼氏金融的困境是欧洲债务危机全球影响的最富戏剧性的例子之一。MF Global's swoon is one of the most dramatic examples of the global ricochet effect caused by Europe's debt crisis.

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物流网络具有服务性、开放性、外部效应和信息主导性等基本特徵。The basic characteristics of MF network are service-oriented, open characteristic, external and information-dominated.

由于这项亏空,忧心忡忡的全球曼氏金融的客户要拿回其全部资金可能需要几周甚至数月的时间。Because of the shortfall, it could take weeks or even months for anxious MF Global customers to get all their money back.

但尽管存在这种高杠杆率和不确定性,明富环球继续生存下去的救赎之道还是有的。But despite the high leverage ratio and uncertainty, there are options available to MF Global to continue as a going concern.