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第二天早上加斯顿起床的时候,他的妻子已经离开了。When Gaston arose in the morning, his wife had already departed.

加斯顿的酒产自波尔多和朗古度湖斯朗。Gaston produces the wines both from Bordeaux and Langoudoc-Roussillon.

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本,霍利和加斯东的小鸟儿找到了一个在草地上蓝色的大蛋。Ben, Holly and Gaston the Ladybird have found a large blue egg in the meadow.

这是一道非常简单的汤,加斯顿说它适合冬天喝。This is a very simple soup, which Gaston says is suitable for a cold winter day.

布吕丹丝跑进她的梳妆间,我和加斯东也跟了进去,她打开了窗户。Prudence ran into her dressing- room. I followed with Gaston. She opened the window.

在他这次怪异的抢劫之前,59岁的万隆给加斯顿公报写了封信。Before his peculiarly modest robbery, Verone, 59, sent a letter to the Gaston Gazette.

加森高大魁梧,才华横溢,说起话来声音浑厚深沉,看上去很有威严。Gaston was big, burly, and brilliant, with a deep, strong voice and a commanding manner.

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最后可以借鉴巴什拉培养梦想的方法来培养妙悟。At last Gaston Bachelard's way of dreaming can be employed to foster the ability of miaowu.

当第二天加斯顿起床的时候,他的妻子已经离开了,没有做任何告别。When Gaston arose the next morning, his wife had already departed, without even saying farewell.

利物浦和博洛尼亚的乌拉圭新星加斯顿·拉米雷斯联系了起来,看来新年到来之季可能会引进他。Liverpool are being linked with a New Year move for Bologna's highly rated Uruguayan star Gaston Ramirez.

加斯顿双手捧起妻子美丽的脸,温和且满带笑意地凝视她焦虑的双眼。Gaston took his wife's pretty face between his hands and looked tenderly and laughingly into her troubled eyes.

博萨克给了他一个机会,让他去改建一个叫菲里皮&加斯东的时装设计室。Boussac offered Dior the chance to direct the resurgence of a has-been fashion house called Philippe and Gaston.

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这些都是我走在大街上时由虚荣心引起的想法。突然我碰到了加斯东,他问我从哪儿来。This is what my vanity was whispering in my ear on the Boulevard when I ran into Gaston who asked me where I had been.

我先生伟业加斯东我作为海外业务经理的工作,在布基纳法索的国际银行之一。I am Mr. Albert Gaston I work as the Foreign Operations Manager with one of the international bank here in Burkina Faso.

加斯顿牵起妻子的裙裾,搂住她的腰,愉快地看着她疑惑的眼睛。Gaston pulled the sleeve of his wife's dress, gathered his arms around her waist and looked merrily into her troubled eyes.

北卡加斯托尼亚的加斯东日间学校代表队计划设计一个铁探测器,但有一部分工作没有按计划完成。The team from Gaston Day School in Gastonia, N.C., decided to build an iron detector, but one part didn't work out as planned.

北卡加斯托尼亚的加斯东日间学校代表队计划设计一个铁探测器,但有一部分工作没有按计划完成。The team from Gaston Day School in Gastonia, N. C. , decided to build an iron detector, but one part didn't work out as planned.

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北卡加斯托尼亚的加斯东日间学校代表队计划设计一个铁探测器,但有一部分工作没有按计划完成。The team from Gaston Day School in Gastonia, N. C. , decided to build an iron detector, but one part didn"t work out as planned.

加斯顿疗好了自己的伤,重整了葡萄园,并在这片有着许多洞窟、富含石灰岩的土地上,创建了最为著名的酒庄。Gaston healed himself, healed the vines and went on to create the most famous domaine in that cave-carved, limestone-rich region.

然而,默多克探长将调查方向指向了曾想购买加斯顿土地的胭脂谷地产公司。However, Mr Murdoch inspector will investigate the wanted to buy pointing in the direction of the land Gaston production company.