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在切割中发出警告。Severs its warning.

我会注意这个警告。I'd heed this warning.

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无论是警告或者抚爱。In warning or in love.

三个警告提示。Three warning notices.

K9的温度报警。K9 warning temperature.

她大声发出警告。She blared out a warning.

这应该成为一种警报。That should be a warning.

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他从不听我的警告。He never heeds my warning.

她尖叫着发出警告。She shrieked out a warning.

山羊群咩咩地发出警报。The goats bleated a warning.

嚎叫也是一种警告。Growling is used as a warning.

他的警告值得引起重视。His warning was worth heeding.

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有皮带走偏报警装置。Deviate a belt warning devices.

她的警告是针对他的。Her warning is directed at him.

“现在我们可以进行警告性射击”。Now we can fire a warning shot.

汤姆没把法官的警告当耳旁风。Tom heeded the judge's warning.

但是,报警信号已经出现了。But the warning signs are there.

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我还以为你要比现在这样高一点点呢。I'm warning you, I'm a screamer.

极早期预警系统?。VEWS? Very Early Warning System?

啊,我知道一切规劝警诫都是徒劳的。Alas, I know all warning is vain.