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他真诚地爱他的妻子。He loved his wife devotedly.

一天,当我正在专心的听着时。One day, when I was listening devotedly.

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母亲,是默默给予我们帮助,为我们奋不顾身的人。It is mothers that help us silently and devotedly.

但是为何对久却是这样一往情深呢?But why it is so devotedly attached to it a long time?

忠实地做事,诚恳地对人。To do anything devotedly , to treat anybody sincerely.

有这么一个特大号笨蛋,小心翼翼地爱护著妳,栩婷。Has such a Outsize fool , Cherishes you devotedly , Hooting.

一天,正当我专心致志地陶醉在音乐声中时,音乐声嘎然而止。One day, when I was listening devotedly , the sound suddenly stopped.

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任何一个母亲看护自己的独生子也不能比埃德加照料她更为尽心。No mother could have nursed an only child more devotedly than Edgar tended her.

这就是我的家庭。我们家的所有成员都生活得很和谐。我们都一心一意的爱着彼此。That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony. We love each other devotedly.

这就是我的一家。家里所有人都和谐共处,都深深地相爱。This is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony. We love each other devotedly.

我的爱人,能忠实地为你奉献一生的时光是我的荣耀和欢乐。My lover, it's the greatest glory and joy for me to work for you devotedly till the end of time.

来到镜子里就全心全力完全地反应。事情走开了,就忘掉它,放手让它离开。They are like mirror that devotedly reflects thing. If thing moves away, they forget it and let it be.

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我们应该谦虚,谨慎,戒骄,戒躁,全心全意地为中国设计事业服务。We should be modest and prudent, get rid of arrogance and rashness, and serve the China's design devotedly.

当事情来到镜前就全心全力,完全地反应。事情走开了,就忘掉它,放手让它离开。They are like a mirror that devotedly reflects thing. If thing moves away from the mirror, they forget it and let it be.

以我自己之名,我希望在未来,以余生的虔诚祈祷来效忠神圣的教会。With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.

粉煤灰和朋友团聚的一次性对手,绫,谁是继续忠实的道路上神奇宝贝忍者掌握。Ash and friends are reunited with their one-time adversary, Aya, who is continuing devotedly on the path to Pokémon Ninja mastery.

羌姜为了至嬴,一心一意地研讨,终做出特征「板长豉油」,带旺「意寿司」生意。In order to win, qiang ginger devotedly seminars, eventually making feature "plate long soya sauce, " brought flourishing "meaning sushi" business.

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但绿叶的那一道道脉络,牡丹的那一丝丝线条,都确凿无疑地告诉我你在画它们时是多么认真多么专注!But every vein of the green leaf, every line of the peony, just told me with complete sureness how carefully and how devotedly you were drawing then!

“我想回馈给那些跟随哈利这么多年的忠心书迷,并把这个故事延续新的一代,”她说。"I wanted to give something back to the fans that have followed Harry so devotedly over the years, and to bring the stories to a new generation," she says.

他们一心一意地爱着她,如果看到她现在这个样子,他们会受到巨大打击,会和她一样感到羞辱和不解,为她所遭受的不公正背叛而受到伤害。They had loved her devotedly and would have been stricken for her at this moment, sharing her humiliation and incomprehension, wounded by the injustice of her betrayal.