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吉姆是一个假名。Jim is a pseudonym.

陈敬容,笔名蓝冰。Chen Jingrong, a pseudonym Lanbing.

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欧·享利是威廉·悉尼·波特的笔名。O. Henry is pseudonym of William Sydney Porter.

艾略特是玛丽·安·埃文斯的笔名。George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.

“欧亨利”是“威廉·希德内波特”的笔名。O. Henry is the pseudonym of William Sydney Porter.

乔治奥韦尔为笔名写作。Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.

雷扎哈利利是化名,以保护作者的身份。Reza Khalili is a pseudonym to protect the author's identity.

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“泰勒”是这名女生在网上使用的化名。"Taylor" is the pseudonym she uses with men she meets online.

我找到三个凯特·莱曼,就是她给本顿的那个假名。We got three hits on Kate Leman, the same pseudonym she gave to Benton.

英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名刘易斯·卡罗于1865年出版了这部儿童文学作品。It was written in 1865 by Charles Ludwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.

达马西奥讲了一个他病人的例子,这里化名为埃利奥特。Damasio tells a case of one of his patients who was under the pseudonym here of Elliot.

理论分析证明了该方案的正确性、匿名性和安全性。The correctness, pseudonym and security of the new scheme are proved by theory analysis.

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张爱玲他表示,他不紧急,但要化名隐藏一段时间。He Eileen Chang said he would not emergency, but to be a pseudonym to hide for some time.

她出演了每一部星战前传电影,有时是用假名“洁娜·格林”。She has appeared in each film of the prequels, sometimes under a pseudonym of "Jenna Green."

因为在网站上,买卖双方都仅以昵称和信誉为人所知。As participants in the market, buyers and sellers are known by pseudonym and reputation only.

不过无论社交网站要求实名制的原因是什么,仍然会有许多人会为了争取到使用假名的权利而继续斗争But whatever the reasons, there will be many who still press for the right to use a pseudonym.

据报道,金正云在伯尔尼的国际学校以化名就读。Jong Un was reportedly educated at the International School of Berne, which he attended under a pseudonym

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门绍宗先生,军旅画家,亦名明山,1943年生于北京。Mr. Shaozong Men, artist pseudonym Mingshan, was born in Beijing in 1943. He served as a military artist.

该告密者化名为“索尼娅”,声称自己是众多在墨西哥秘密工作的间谍中的一员。The informant, going by the pseudonym of "Sonia, " claims to be one of many undercover spys working in Mexico.

人们质疑她改名的初衷,因为她弃用了真名伊丽莎白•格兰特而取了一个带有异域色彩的艺名。People are suspicious of the fact that she abandoned her birth name, Elizabeth Grant, for a more exotic pseudonym.