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宫缩乏力导致的产科出血是子宫切除的首要原因。Uterine atony with obstetric bleeding was the primary cause of obstetric hysterectomy.

子宫切除术主要指征是胎盘因素、子宫收缩乏力。The main indications of obstetrical hysterectomy were plancta factors and uterine atony.

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当出血波及两侧时,出现两侧面瘫和四肢弛缓性瘫痪。Affect when haemorrhage when two side, appear two flank paralysis and limb atony the gender breaks down.

请问贲门失弛缓症,动手术的话,也就是做贲门处做扩张。Excuse me cardia is broken atony disease, if performing an operation, do cardia place to do dilate namely.

肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progre ive dilatation and atony.

氨甲酰甲胆碱对于术后腹胀和胃张力缺乏或停滞的某些病例有效。Bethanechol is of value in certain cases of postoperative abdominal distention and gastric atony or stasis.

肾盂早期表现是蠕动增强及肥厚,以后逐渐扩大及无张力。The pelvis first shows evidence of hyperactivity and hypertrophy and then progressive dilatation and atony.

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临床表现为急性、对称性、弛缓性肢体瘫痪,腱反射消失,面瘫和周围性感觉障碍。Clinical expression is acute, symmetry, atony sexual limbs breaks down, tendinous reflex disappears, face paralysis and all round the gender feels an obstacle.

其原因有子宫收缩乏力、胎盘因素、产道损伤和凝血障碍等。Pregnancy-hypertension syndron can increase the incidence, and other causes are uterine atony , placental factors, laceration of the birth canal, coagulation disorders etc.

目的分析产科出血导致孕产妇死亡的原因,提出有效降低因产科出血导致孕产妇死亡的发生率,从而降低我省孕产妇死亡率的对策。Objective To find a surgical procedure that can control postpartum haemorrhage caused by uterine atony and remain the integrity of the uterus avoiding hysterectomy during cesarean section.

对69例前胃弛缓和瘤胃积食等胃肠弛缓自然病牛的瘤胃内环境参数和植物神经调控指标进行了检测。The parameters of internal environment in rumen and the indices of autonomic nervous regulation were examined in 69 heads of cattle suffering from the alkaline forestomach atony and ruminal impaction.