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胡佛留下的遗风毁誉参半。Hoover leaves a bipolar legacy.

双极性接面电晶体。The Bipolar Junction Transistor.

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什么是双相情感障碍的进程?What Is the Course of Bipolar Disorder?

什么是双向情感障碍症状表现?What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

我应该告诉我关于我的躁郁症老板吗?Should I Tell my Boss About my Bipolar Disorder?

双极亲近——它使他们更有创造力吗?Bipolar celebs -- does it make them more creative?

双相障碍的女患者应该中止服药吗?Should bipolar women discontinue their medication?

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儿童和青少年会得双相情感障碍吗?Can Children and Adolescents Have Bipolar Disorder?

以ECL电路为主,讨论了硅双极器件近期的发展。Advanes on ECL-based Si bipolar devices are reviewed.

双极型器件密封TO18金属包。Bipolar Device Hermetically sealed TO18 Metal Package.

双极NPN装置在一个密封的金属包装TO18。Bipolar NPN Device in a Hermetically sealed TO18 Metal Package.

我的全部生活都被躁郁症的痛苦折磨着。I think I have schizoaffective disorder with bipolar tendencies.

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我们使用双极电切镜将病变完整切除。Using the bipolar resectoscope, the lesion was removed completely.

最近几年他一直在和躁狂症做斗争。He had been struggling with bipolar disorder for a couple of years.

结果全部患者经双极电凝止血后,均痊愈。Results All patients recovered after bipolar coagulation hemostasis.

两国关系受两极格局的影响很大。The relations of India-Japan were deeply influenced by bipolar system.

一组是父亲或母亲患有双相情感障碍的388名儿童。One group of 388 children had mothers or fathers with bipolar disorder.

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FT3水平降低可能是双相抑郁症的一个生物学指标。The FT3 level reduction is possibly a bipolar depression biology index.

调查研究表明,在躁郁症强烈的遗传影响。Research studies suggest a strong genetic influence in bipolar disorder.

双相情感障碍的发作风险仅仅根据症状就可以判断。Risk for bipolar disorder can be defined on the basis of symptoms alone.