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是个小型、健壮、可扩展的项目。UMDS is small, strong and expansible project.

另外,处理器芯片在规模上可以很容易地进行扩展应用,提高了处理器的灵活性。On the other hand, the processor chip can be expansible to improve its flexibility.

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整个系统设计体现了高度集成、低功耗、高扩展性以及自动操控等特点。The control system was, highly integrated, highly expansible and had low power consumption.

算得上是一个具有良好实用性和扩展性的多功能信号数据测试分析通用平台。So it can be considered as a practical and expansible multi-function testing analysis platform.

目的研究信息系统结构复杂性与可扩展性之间的内在联系。Aim To study the relationship between expansible and complexity of information systems structure.

利用实验装置的扩展功能,可以自主开发实验项目,满足不同的教学要求。We can develop new experiments to meet different teaching requirement by its expansible function.

然而采用钢结构膨胀型防火涂料是一种有效的防火保护方法。However, applying expansible fire-retardant coating to steel structure is an effective way to protect it.

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人口危机、能源危机、环境危机等像瘟疫一样缠绕整个人类。To being one of the human societies, I deeply abhor the behavior caused by the mankind's gradually expansible desire.

本发明涉及煤矿井下开采工艺,进一步讲是回采工作面防止片帮冒顶的一种方法。The coal wall or roof of working face is perforated, and a hydraulic expansible anchor stock is inserted into the hole.

建立的AR模型和BP网络预测模型,能实现模型的再学习和训练,具有较好的实用性和可扩展性。Building the AR and BP forecasting models can realize the relearning and training. The system is practicable and expansible.

详细论述了膨胀石墨及其母体普通石墨的物理、化学特性。The article discusses the physical and chemical features of expansible graphite and its parent population---general graphite.

最后通过建立电脑族产品配置模型验证该方法具有扩展性强的特点。Finally the strongly expansible characteristic of the method is validated by establishing the computer family configuration model.

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该方法具有分辨率高、动态响应快、评价指标参数多样且可扩充等特点。It is indicated that this method has high resolution ratio, rapid dynamic response and multiple expansible parameters of evaluation.

由Z80微处理器管理的STD总线开放式结构具有灵活地扩充、方便地获取数据等特点。The opening structure of the STD BUS managed by a Z80 processor helps to build up a flexible and expansible data acquisition system.

主要用于热水器、洗衣机、电烤箱、油炸锅、开水器等电热器具用体涨式温控器。Expansible type temperature controller for electric heating appliance , such as water heater , washer, electric oven, fryer, boileretc.

产业集群不仅是一种强竞争力的经济组织,也是一种可扩展的跨越式发展模式。An industrial aggregation is not only a competitive economic organization but also a model of expansible leaping and bounding development.

综合以上所述,我们成功地发展出一套即时、逼真、且具扩充性的腹腔镜胆囊切除手术模拟系统。With these techniques, we successfully develop a real-time, realistic, and expansible laparoscopic surgical simulation for gallbladder removal.

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在此形势下,建立一个具有高度伸缩性,灵活性、稳定性且可扩充、易维护的基于校园网的考试系统已经成为必然趋势。It is a stare thing in the face to establish a retractable, flexible, steady, expansible and easy maintenance examination system basing on campus network.

他全面论述了“可扩大的军队”的思想并制定了相关计划,要求对民兵加强训练,加强美国的战备工作。He also generally expounded the idea of "Expansible Army" and made a related project. He requested to strengthen the militia's training and war preparations.

这种实现的结构具有较好的开放性和可扩充性,任何应用程序,只要遵循规定的访问规范,就可以使用此数据通道提供的服务。It has an open and expansible structure. Any application, provided that it conforms the required access specifications, can utilize the service of the channel.