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这块丝绢有美丽的褶皱。This silk drapes beautifully.

但画面看起来美极了。But it turned out beautifully.

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这个歌手唱得好极了。The singer performed beautifully.

她是所有人中唱得最好的。She sings most beautifully of all.

这套衣服裁制得很漂亮。The suit was beautifully tailored.

他的夹克裁制得很漂亮。His jacket is beautifully tailored.

她的卷发烫得很漂亮。She has waved her hair beautifully.

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她穿的宽松长袍刺绣精美。Her abaya was beautifully embroidered.

天使把美好暂借大地。The angel lends beautifully the earth.

那些花插得很漂亮。The flowers are done very beautifully.

这件木器做得很精细。The wood-work is beautifully finished.

其飞檐照壁雕刻精美。Beautifully carved cornices its Zhaobi.

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它写得像散文诗一样优美。It is a beautifully written prose-poem.

在宏观世界中,它非常有效。It works beautifully in the macro world.

那家洗衣店把衣服洗得很干净。That laundry does shirts up beautifully.

惠莲唱歌像玲玲一样优美。Huilian sings as beautifully as Lingling.

上课时,她能写一手优美的板书。She writes beautifully on the blackboard.

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这些房间装上了漂亮的天花板。The rooms have all been ceiled beautifully.

她昨天晚上演唱的歌曲很好听。She rendered the song beautifully last night.

真是一幅精美绝伦的讽刺面纱。Such a beautifully embroidered veil of irony.