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去户外母鹿海湾事务部。Ooh go doe bay mwa.

牝鹿就是雌鹿。A doe is female deer.

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那位农民买了头雌鹿。The farmer bought a doe.

哆是一只小母鹿。Doe a deer a female deer.

兜医生伤感的摇着她的头。Dr Doe shakes her head sadly.

她击中了母鹿的肩膀。She hit the doe in the shoulder.

有人派了一头雌鹿守护神来找我们!Someone sent a doe Patronus to us!

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这与牡丹卡有什么关系吗?Doe it do anything with the Peony Card?

一只独眼母鹿正在河边吃草。A one-eyed doe was grazing near the river.

并追杀李四和老板娘。And to kill John Doe and the proprietress.

我们中的最优秀的人随你去得越早。And soonest our best men with thee doe goe.

简而言之,能源部又回到了起跑线。In short, the DOE is starting from scratch.

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他魔杖尖端跳出一只银色的牝鹿。From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe.

“哆”是一只小母鹿,“来”是金色的阳光。Doe a deer a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun.

拿弗他利是被释放的母鹿。他出嘉美的言语。Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.

鹿没有吃生面团,尽管母鹿吃了枣椰子。The deer dined on dough, though the doe dined on dates.

我悄悄地杀了一头鹿,取了那些证物。I secretly had a doe killed and took the proofs from it.

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他们昨天发现的无名女尸是被人勒毙的。The Jane Doe they found yesterday was strangled to death.

这种新止痛药不需要很怀孕会不会来月经长时间就能发挥止痛作用。This new pain-killer doe 't take long to act on the pain?

他声称,他发现两只郊狼追逐着一只雌鹿穿过了一条公路。He claimed he saw two coyotes chasing a doe across a road.