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Google是能让人们转向的圣贤。Google is the oracle of redirection.

改变方向,这就有点像使用军事艺术。Redirection is a bit like using martial arts.

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挂起状态适合于容器重定向。Pending state is good for container redirection.

请回上页填写转址!Please go back to fill your redirection address.

转移呼叫。如果你不在办公室,你可以把所有呼叫你的电。Redirection. If you are out of the office, you can.

避免显式地自定义版本改向和绑定到CLR程序集。Avoid explicit custom version redirection and binding to CLR assemblies.

与进程替换系统相关的另一个功能是更广泛的重定向系统。Related to the process substitution system is a more extensive system of redirection.

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包含有关组件系结和记忆体回收的资讯。Contains information about assembly version redirection and the locations of assemblies.

提示为了节省空间,我不在列出执行重定向和文件隐藏的例程序。NOTE To save space, I haven't relisted the execution redirection and file hiding routines.

在这里,转向文件必须是一个静态页面,而不能是ASP.NET页面。Unfortunately, this redirection must be a static file—it will not process an ASP.NET page.

但是使用标准错误重定向,也可以将错误重定向至文件。But, using redirection of stderr, errors can also be redirected to go to a file. For example

进口货件截件改派服务费以现金或收件人之出口60帐号结算。Import Shipment Redirection Service Fee will be billed by cash or outbound 60 account of consignee.

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它演示了如何在管道中以及在输入、输出和错误流重定向的情况下使用该工具。It shows how to use the tool in pipelines and with redirection of input, output, and error streams.

IRQ信号发送给对应重定向表条目中所列的局部APIC。The IRQ signal is delivered to the local APICs listed in the corresponding Redirection Table entry.

提供域名注册、空间租用、企业邮局和网站推广等服务。Offers free domain names in the form of "yourname. tk". Includes URL redirection and forwarding service.

应用程序配置文件中的显式程序集绑定重定向需要安全权限。Explicit assembly binding redirection in an application configuration file requires a security permission.

因此,在对状态代码进行充分的考虑之后,您就可以完全忽略重定向代码的问题了。So, while you think about plenty of status codes, you can largely ignore the redirection codes altogether.

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我总会被林肯先生的信仰所鼓舞-当他需要指路人的时候他会读约伯的书。This time I was intrigued by Lincoln’s faith — and how he read the Book of Job when he needed redirection.

该工具允许管理员将引用指定给特殊用户或组,使重定向基于角色。The tool lets administrators assign references to particular users or groups, making redirection role-based.

支持域名停泊和域锁及使用容易,基于网络控制的域名系统,并重新设置。Supports domain parking and domain locking and using easy web-based control for DNS and redirection settings.