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人们动摇了。People were reluctant.

他是不情愿做天才。And he was a reluctant genius.

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起初我们真是满心的不愿意,嘿!At first we were reluctant to dress-up.

卡萨瑞是一个不情不愿的终极英雄。Cazaril is the ultimate reluctant hero.

汤姆对他的家恋恋不舍。Tom is reluctant to part with his home.

只是太爱了。舍不得,放不开。Just too much love. Reluctant to let go.

我听得出他的无奈,他的勉强。I could hear his frustration, his reluctant.

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可曾念安却不愿帮忙。Have you ever read Ann are reluctant to help.

人们不情愿的说着他们的意见。People are reluctant to voice their opinions.

不要勉强自己使用电动牙刷Don’t be reluctant to try powered toothbrushes

日本正处在一场非自愿革命的边缘。Japan ison the verge of a reluctant revolution.

日本正处在一场非自愿革命的边缘。Japan is on the verge of a reluctant revolution.

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所以,我不能说它是完全宗教的。So, I am reluctant to say it's purely religious.

这真的是让消费者乐不思蜀。This is really for consumers reluctant to leave.

我不愿意卷入到他的问题中去。I was reluctant to embroil myself in his problems.

这对老夫妻不愿意进行这次谈话。The couple is reluctant to have this conversation.

然而奥多姆看起来不情愿打替补。But Odom seems reluctant to let the starting days go.

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不情愿的英雄也是自我牺牲的英雄。The reluctant hero is also the self-sacrificing hero.

总是难舍别离日,最是难忘少年时。The most reluctant were always the days of separation.

但当局却迟迟不宣布这个坏消息。But the authorities are reluctant to announce bad news.