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是半场进攻,还是以快攻为主,或者是以防守见长?Are they defensive oriented?

可能出战是家庭为重。Darlington is family oriented.

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这座宫殿坐北朝南。The palace is oriented south and north.

那个体育场是南北走向。The stadium is oriented south and north.

云是随需应变和面向服务的。Cloud is on-demand and is service oriented.

面向服务架构是块硬骨头。Service oriented architecture is hard work.

面向数值的算法语言?。VAL? Value – Oriented Algorithmic Language?

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中毒场所以工厂食堂为主。Poisoning places to factory canteens oriented.

花园是在北偏东北方向的。The Garden is oriented at the north-northeast.

该调查的对象为9岁到15岁的青少年。The poll is oriented to teenagers from 9 to 15.

我们是一个重视家庭事工的三语教会。We are a very family oriented trilingual church.

工会以福利资本主义为其奋斗目标。The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.

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做一个纯粹的面向对象开发人员有其优势所在。Being an object oriented purist has its advantages.

我想我们一直都是“面向服务”的。I suppose we have been "service oriented" all along.

清真寺会决定朝向使米哈拉布能朝向麦加。Mosques are oriented so that the mihrab faces Mecca.

处女座都是勤奋、可靠并有洁癖的人。Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented.

那时他们对海洋的知识侧重于风。Their knowledge of the sea was oriented towards winds.

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第二章介绍了我国外向型海水养殖业。Chapter two introduces our export oriented mariculture.

也许你想找个更适合全家出游的地方。Maybe you’re looking for something more family oriented.

如果全部都是氰化物面向一样,在图。If all the cyanides are oriented the same way, as in Fig.