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代表团一行计划于2月1日访问择捉岛。The delegation plans to visit on February 1 Etorofu Island.

前原诚司这次是以怎样的身份对择捉岛进行访问?Maehara, this is how the identity of the island of Etorofu visit?

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前原在2006年也曾参加过同样的“无签证交流活动”到访过择捉岛。Maehara also participated in 2006, the same "no-visa exchange program, " visited Etorofu Island.

这个大型军港将建在北方四岛中的择捉岛的单冠湾。The large military port will be built in the four northern islands in the single crown Etorofu Island Bay.

他将于8月4日在北海道根室市内与当地相关人员座谈,8日考察择捉岛后召开记者会。He will be held August 4 at the Hokkaido city of Nemuro discussion with local stakeholders, 8 Etorofu study held a press conference after the island.

正在俄远东地区视察的谢尔久科夫当天说,南千岛群岛的驻军将在国后岛和择捉岛部署。Russian Far East is Serdyukov inspected the same day that the troops will be the South Kuril Islands after the islands in the country and the Etorofu Island deployment.

报道援引军方有关人士消息称,布尔加科夫在择捉岛视察了俄罗斯的空军基地及炮兵部队等驻留部队。The report quoted military sources said the person concerned, Bulgakov visited the island in the Etorofu Russian artillery units and other Air Force bases and presence of troops.

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该条约第二条阐述了两国在边界上的一致意见,即“两国边界应位于择捉群岛和得抚岛之间。Article 2 of the Treaty of Shimoda, which provided for an agreement on borders, states "Henceforth the boundary between the two nations shall lie between the islands of Etorofu and Uruppu.

千岛群岛位于堪察加半岛与北海道之间,群岛南部齿舞、色丹、国后和择捉四岛被日本称为北方四岛。Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands, located between Hokkaido, the southern islands Habomai, Shikotan, Etorofu the country and after Japan's four islands are known as the four northern islands.

日本前外务大臣前原诚司5日从北海道出发,以国会议员身份前往日本与俄罗斯存在领土争议的岛屿之一择捉岛访问。Former Japanese Foreign Minister Maehara 5, starting from Hokkaido to members of Congress as to the existence of territorial disputes between Japan and Russia, one of the island Etorofu Island visit.