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它有叶原基和一个苗端。It has leaf primordia and a shoot apex.

十一月中旬时胚珠原体凸出胎座表面。Ovule primordia occur from placenta in mid November.

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二月下旬,花序原体在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia occur at shoot apices in late February.

花序原体于四月中旬在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia are formed at shoot apices in mid April.

花原体于九月下旬起自顶端分生组织凸起。Flower primordia are emerged from the shoot apical meristem in late August.

大约经12—14天,不定根原基发育为幼小不定根并伸出周皮之外。After 12-14 days, adventitious root primordia developed into young adventitious roots.

蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。The nectary originates from the several outer layer cells of base of carpel primordia.

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黄瓜雄、雌花的发育从花芽原基至雌蕊原基出现,无明显差异。The developmental patterns of both male and female flowers are similar until pistil primordia appear.

对三熟制早稻用氮素化肥作穗肥进行了研究。Application of nitrogenous fertilizer to early rice at the ear primordia stage under the triple-cropping system was studied.

随着花分生组织的发育,基因表达的区域也在扩大,涵盖了整个的背部区域,但并不包括心皮原基。Along with the floral meristem development, Ljcyc2 expression increases into the whole dorsal region without carpel primordia.

通过透射电镜观察探索光周期在决定花粉育性中的作用。Panicle primordia were fixed and sectioned for TEM examination to investigate the role of different photoperiods on pollen sterility.

以黄瓜为试验材料研究了肉眼可见的花原基突起之前,花原基早期的分化过程。Early differentiation of floral primordium before the appearance of megascopic primordia protuberance was investigated in Cucumis sativus L.

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左、右缘棘毛原基的发育形式相同,但右缘棘毛原基的发育稍早。The developmental pattern of primordia of right and left marginal cirri arc quite similar except that the right margin develops a little earlier.

原形成层在顶端分生组织之下叶原基起源的地方发生。The procambium continuously develop to the apex after it arises from the place where the leaf primordia originates from below the apical meristem.

尽管如此,由成年干细胞与胚胎口腔上皮组合而产生的牙齿原基,所得到的结果仍令人相当鼓舞。Still, the results achieved with primordia made from the combination of adult stem cells and embryonic oral epithelium have been extremely encouraging.

两性花花芽中央,分化出三个心皮原基,最后形成三心皮一室的下位子居。Three carpellary primordia were split up in the center of the bisexualflower buds, And eventually three-carpellary Unilocular inferior ovary was formed.

不定根根原基可由形成层细胞、愈伤组织细胞分化而来,逐渐突破皮层,伸向外部。The adventitious root primordia was differentiated from cambium and callus cells, and then gradually broke through the cortex and extended to the outside.

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进一步分析表明WOX11直接抑制在冠状根原基表达的A型细胞分裂素响应调节因子RR2的表达。Further analysis showed that WOX11 directly repressed RR2, a type-A cytokinin-responsive regulator gene that was found to be expressed in crown root primordia.

进一步提高外源激素浓度,珠心细胞又可以分化出新的胚珠原基,进一步长大以后发育成许多新的胚珠。Upon further increase of the exogenous hormone concentration, new ovule primordia could be formed from the proliferated nucellus cells, which further developed into many new ovules.

在花的各部分分化后,由花托表层细胞恢复分裂能力形成蜜腺原基。When the various floral organs were developed, 2—3 superficial layer cells of the receptacle between stamens became meristemoid and contributed to primordia the formation of nectary.