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做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。being Harry Potter.

别闹了,哈利。Don't be silly, Harry.

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哈利挑起了一条眉毛。Harry raised an eyebrow.

我比哈里有更多的激光唱盘。I have more CDs than Harry.

在学校里,哈利没有一个朋友。At school, Harry had no one.

哈罗德的昵称是哈里。Harold's nickname was Harry.

哈利搭公车上班。Harry takes the bus to work.

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海格带着哈利去了哪里?Where did Hagrid take Harry?

看哈利波特系列小说。Read the Harry Potter series.

哈利埋头工作。Harry drowned himself in work.

是的,我很清楚他,再见。Yeah, Gib , I know Harry. Bye.

“他朝你吐唾沫。”哈利说。"He spat at you, " said Harry.

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但是哈里很少去追问。But Harry rarely goes questing.

哈利转脸又看了看湖水。Harry looked back at the water.

哈里王子恋爱了。Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

哈利·波特要来住在这种地方!Harry Potter come and live here!

海因斯在5201哈利大道位置。In 5201 Harry Hines Road "site."

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哈里锯在钉子上弄坏了锯子。Harry damaged the saw on a nail.

多比必须保护哈利·波特!Dobby has to protect Harry Potter!

哈利波特到霍格华兹来了。Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.