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巴尼碰破大鼻子。Barney Bodkin broke his nose.

就能清偿宿债?谁甘心背负重担。With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear.

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就能悄悄的结束这所有的一切。With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear.

谁愿意负着这样的重担。With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear.

火车里很挤,所以我只好挤坐在两个人中间。The train was so crowded that I had to sit bodkin.

这些照片提供给美联社照片编辑约翰博德金。The pictures were given to Associated Press photo editor John Bodkin.

锥子是一种在纺织品和皮革上钻洞的小而有尖头的工具。Bodkin is a small, sharply pointed instrument for making holes in fabric or leather.

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唐先生和唐太太一路上乘坐一辆轻型马车,让孩子挤坐在他俩中间。Mr and Mrs Tang went the whole journey in a small buggy, with their child riding bodkin.

锥形箭带有淬火强化的钢制箭头,可以造成巨大的毁坏。Bodkin arrow is a kind of arrow with a tempered steel tip which can cause massive damage.

目的探讨高速涡轮钻在拔除下颌阻生智齿中的应用。Objective To study the application of high speed turbine bodkin in the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth.

菲比正在一张小桌子旁忙碌着,桌上摆着一只整洁的针线匣,从一卷卷棉线到闪闪发光的钢针都井井有条地摆在固定的地方。Phoebe was busy at a little table, upon which stood a prim workbox , with every reel of cotton and glistening steel bodkin in its appointed place.