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又有六支精子管打翻了。Six more test-tubes of spermatozoa were upset.

我们发现了血细胞,发现了精子,发现了我们体内环境中的微生物。We discovered blood cells. We discovered spermatozoa.

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在牛精子中发现了蛋白激酶C抑制剂。A protein kinase C inhibitor is found in bovine spermatozoa.

结果HSP90定位于人精子的体部与尾部。Results HSP90 was localized at the body and tail of spermatozoa.

精子呈线形,由头部、颈部和尾部组成。The spermatozoa is thread-like and consists of head, neck and tail.

小的暗黑色长形精子在管中央能见到。Small dark oblong spermatozoa are seen in the center of the tubules.

人及哺乳动物的受精过程是一系列的复杂事件。Mammalian spermatozoa capacitation is a series of complicated events.

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这两种鱼精子对这三种单糖的吸收、利用存在差别。Absoption and utilization of the spermatozoa to me three monoses have difference.

引起男性不育的一个重要原因是无精症、死精症。One of the important reasons of male infertility is azoospermia and dead spermatozoa.

精子血型抗原为本身所固有,并非来源于精浆。The blood group antigens in the spermatozoa are inherent, not from the seminal plasma.

目的研究乙型肝炎病毒感染经精子传播的可能性。Objective To study the possibility of HBV infection transmitted by infected spermatozoa.

考马斯亮蓝染色法进行精子顶体染色,以观察大鼠自发精子顶体反应率。Rat spermatozoa was visualized by staining acrosome with the dye Coomassie brilliant blue.

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三总医疗室研究员任酣郎,在无菌操作台进行精虫分离术。Jen Han-lang, hospital researcher, separates spermatozoa in a bacteria-free operating environment.

这样小的尺寸,量子理论预言精子会完全穿透避孕套。At such small sizes, quantum theory predicts that the spermatozoa will simply tunnel through the condom.

我们对人类精子分子组成复杂性的理解仍处于初步阶段。Our understanding of the molecular complexities of human spermatozoa continues to be rather rudimentary.

男性一生中精原干细胞不断分裂,一部分继续增殖进行自我更新,一部分分化最终形成精子。It divides to renew itself as well as to produce daughter cells that finally differentiate to spermatozoa.

用结扎的方法将精子限制在附睾头内,这些成熟变化仍可能发生。These maturation changes still occur even when spermatozoa are confined to caput epididymidis by ligatures.

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还证明,人精浆可减弱茶皂甙的杀小鼠附睾精子作用。The spermicidal effect of sasanquasaponin on spermatozoa of mice can be reduced significantly by human semen.

目的研究钙离子浓度对大鼠精子自发性顶体反应的影响。ObjectivesTo study the effects of calcium ion concentration on spontaneous acrosome reaction of rat spermatozoa.

明胶消化试验测定公牛精子顶体胞吐作用的能力。Gelatin digestion test was performed to determine the ability of bull spermatozoa to undergo acrosomal exocytosis.