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宛如冗长渐进的时光穿廊。As long ChuanLang gradual time.

的确,这是一次逐渐的复苏。Indeed, this is a gradual recovery.

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渐弱力量或音量的逐渐减弱。A gradual decrease in force or loudness.

我还制定了一个渐进式慢跑计划。I also make a gradual plan for him to jog.

你要慢慢适应这种逐步同化You've got to do this gradual assimilation.

年轻的的专制主义者正在逐渐消亡。Slow Gradual Fading of the Young Absolutist.

但要求足够的渐变。But instead, requires enough gradual overlap.

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当你用1除以R,你得到逐渐的下降。When you get one over R, you get a gradual fall.

在慢慢增加速度的时候,节拍器也常被用到。A metronome might be used for this gradual speed-up.

逐渐堆积重量。跟随头形。Gradual build up of weight Following the head shape.

沿着这条植被带海拔上升舒缓。Along this transect the rise in elevation is gradual.

逐步完善城乡统一的社会保障体系Gradual improvement of a unified social security system

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宛如冗长渐进的时光穿廊。流光于此处匍匐。As long ChuanLang gradual time. Brilliant at here crawl.

但即便是逐步撤出也会产生重大影响。But even a gradual pullback could have big repercussions.

耕作制度近半个世纪演变主要趋势。Gradual progress on farming system in recent half century.

这幅照片从亮部到阴影的过渡是平滑和渐进的。The transition from light to shadow is smooth and gradual.

年龄使他的体力和精力逐渐减退。Age brought a gradual diminution of his strength and energy.

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水工程对河口的影响是缓慢的、潜在的。The impact of large hydro projects is gradual and potential.

这个过渡开始是陡直的,然后逐渐变得缓慢。This transition is at first abrupt and then becomes gradual.

从曲目的起点处开始逐渐增大音量。Gradual increase of the volume at the start of an audio track.