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选情专家说,罗姆尼与洪博培都是摩门教徒。Election experts say, Romney and Huntsman are Mormon.

选民们断定罗姆内先生最具实力为他们排忧解难。Voters judged Mr Romney most capable of easing their pain.

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罗姆尼得到的选票是其最主要对手麦克·哈卡比的两倍之多。Romney got twice as many votes as closest rival Mike Huckabee.

麦凯恩在新州胜出,但在密执安州却败给罗姆尼,屈居第二。McCain won in New Hampshire but placed second to Romney in Michigan.

既然罗姆尼总是那么积极,让我们知道,你这该死的向导。When Romney does something positive, let us know, you effing wizard.

罗姆尼的竞选资金比较雄厚,而且比哈克比在爱荷华州的竞选更有条理。Romney is better financed and better organized in Iowa than Huckabee.

但是,考克斯说有一个办法可以让罗姆尼消除一些人的质疑。But Cox says there is a way for Romney to overcome some of those doubts.

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麦凯恩赢得了前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼的支持。McCain won the endorsement of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney.

罗姆尼曾将其战略建立在赢得爱荷华和新罕布什尔的基础上。Romney had built his campaign on a strategy of winning Iowa and New Hampshire.

罗姆尼称赞麦凯恩具备独一无二殊的品质,能够作为总统领导美国打赢反恐战争。Romney hailed McCain as uniquely qualified to lead the war on terror as president.

瑞卡兹说罗姆尼通过对中国采取强硬态度已经“展示了一点儿骨气”。Rickards said Romney has "showed a little spine" by taking a tough stance on China.

首当其冲,有着雄厚资金实力与政治阅历的便是米特罗姆尼了。Standing at the head of this queue, flush with cash and experience, is Mitt Romney.

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新的爱荷华民调显示,金里奇已经飙升到第一位,罗姆尼下降到第三位。The new Iowa poll, Gingrich has soared to the first, Romney dropped to third place.

接着罗姆尼继续解释一旦他当选总统之后他打算推行的创造就业机会计划。Then Romney went on to explain his plan to create jobs once he's elected president.

罗姆尼不好意思地避开了自己想参加总统竞选的意图,但这一点是显而易见的。Romney coyly avoided declaring his bid for the presidency, but his intent was clear.

罗姆尼是一个有钱的商人,他自掏腰包,花费了数百万美元来资助他的竞选。A wealthy businessman, Romney spent millions from his own pocket to finance the race.

另外一个有可能参加2012年大选的是原麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼。Another expected entrant into the 2012 race is former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

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赫卡比的支持者们认为罗姆内会输因为他虽有钱却缺乏魅力。Mr Huckabee's fans reckon that Mr Romney will lose because his money can't buy him charisma.

在昆尼皮亚克大学六月份进行的民调中,奥巴马的支持率比罗姆尼高出6个百分点。He is ahead of Mr. Romney by six points, which is what he was when Quinnipiac surveyed in June.

他忙于记笔记,疏于与罗姆尼或镜头做眼神交流。He was busy taking notes and didn't make a lot of eye contact with either Romney or the cameras.