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它的要素五花八门,和他的文句一样。Its elements are as disparate as his sentences.

倒戈的士兵在不同的小组工作。Defecting soldiers worked in small and disparate groups.

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如果两人的收入有差距,结婚是个明智的选择,你会从中受益。If you have disparate incomes it benefits you tax-wise to get hitched.

这使得操作命令通过一个更为紧凑单一的接口。This gives ordered access to via a compact and less disparate interface.

这两种截然不同的观点都不全对。The trouble with these disparate views is that they are both partly correct.

世上并不存在一种用来处理相异国家之间的争端的放之四海而皆准的学说。There is no one-size-fits-all doctrine for dealing with disparate countries.

门户将许多全异系统集成到作为单个界面显示的内容中。Portals integrate many disparate systems into what appears as a single interface.

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当企业使用多个完全异构系统时,问题会更加严重。It can be even more grueling when the enterprise uses multiple, disparate systems.

死亡、生存、美丽在这些作品中交缠,将时空相隔。Death, birth and beauty intertwine in these works, as do disparate places and times.

所谓端点,指的是两个完全不同的系统之间的通信门户。By endpoints, I'm referring to the communication portal between two disparate systems.

可如何让互不相干的伙伴、国家和捐助者在一起有效工作呢?But how do you get disparate partners, countries and donors working together effectively?

它将各种文件系统连接到不同的物理存储介质。It joins disparate file systems of differing types to different physical storage mediums.

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数据联合模式可对多个不同信息来源的数据进行虚拟化。The data federation pattern virtualizes data from multiple disparate information sources.

印度变得很不一样,电影成了它的通用语言和宗教。India is so disparate that cinema became the national lingua franca and its national religion.

因为两种不同专业技能的结合或许会带来新的工作方向。The combination of skills learned in the two disparate majors likely creates new job pathways.

他们甚至不愿意真正尝试梳理智慧设计论的那些灵异观点。They donot even make real attempts to reconcile their disparate ideas aboutintelligent design.

既然这两位时尚风格南辕北辙,又是怎么会同时爱上这一件浅粉色西装呢?So who knew that such disparate fashion plates could find common ground in a light pink blazer?

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在许多情况下,集成工作意在以某种方式“联结”至少两个不同系统。In most cases, integration efforts are designed to somehow "join" two or more disparate systems.

当然,我们平均了大量分子,或者原子所具有的不同的能量。Of course, we're really averaging over disparate energies of lots of different atoms or molecules.

某个人喊了一声,不同的光聚集到一起,就像火把回到它们的源头。Someone shouted, and the disparate lights gathered like sparks of a fire returning to their source.