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剂量、时间同上。Dosage, time is Alexandrine.

最后一次重新一统亚历山大帝国的机会与历史失之交臂。The last chance to reunite the Alexandrine Empire had now passed.

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流量转让就来了,原理同上面两点。Discharge is made over came, the principle is Alexandrine face at 2 o'clock.

前八行通常是抑扬格五音步,第九行是抑扬格六音步,有称作亚历山大诗行。The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The ninth line is written in iambic hexameter and is called an alexandrine.

来自亚洲的亚历山大鹦鹉和来自委内瑞拉的蓝冠锥尾鹦鹉也已有发现在英格兰东部筑巢。Alexandrine parakeets, originally from Asia, and blue-crowned conures, from Venezuela, have also been observed nesting in eastern England.

如同上文所述,一旦系统中毒或中了木马,除了IE主页会被窜改,其他的IE设置也可能会被窜改。If Alexandrine article place is narrated, once toxic or the system is medium trojan, meet besides IE homepage by manipulative, other IE are installed also may by manipulative.

后来有一回,它背了棉花,以为再跌倒,可以同上次一样,于是走到河边的时候,便故意跌倒在水里。There is bout later, it carried cotton on the back, think to fall again, OK and Alexandrine second same, when going to the side of the river then, fall intentionally in water.

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特别是,被告方一旦对委托创作合同上的作者签名的真实性提出异议,法院又往往要求原告方补充证据。Especially, the accused the authenticity demur that once add up to Alexandrine author to commending creative work, just signs, the court often asks again accuser square adminicle.

小德告诉记者,同上辅导班的同学中,也有不少为了节省时间带泡面在教室吃,吃完就看书,很刻苦。Small favor tells a reporter, alexandrine coach in the classmate of the class, also have take bubble surface not less to eat in the classroom to save time, eat to read a book, very assiduous.

在承重弹簧处应有钢条加固弹簧,固定弹簧的织物应不易腐蚀且无味,覆盖在弹簧上的织物同上特性。In bearing spring point is due bedspring of steel bar consolidate, the fabric of fixed bedspring should be corroded not easily and insipidity, enclothe the fabric on bedspring Alexandrine character.