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脆的东西容易破碎。Brittle things break easily.

默特尔冷笑了一声。Myrtle gave a brittle laugh.

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你的头发干燥又易断吗?Is your hair dry and brittle?

电子都成键,牢固而硬脆。They are all bound, hard and brittle.

我不可能带着一身脆骨去生孩子,快去!I can't give birth with brittle bones. Go!

我妈妈过去经常做最好吃的花生糖。My mom used to make the best peanut brittle.

未改制的钢塑板呈少筋脆性破坏特征。The failure of unimproved slabs was brittle.

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纤维强度下降,且易断。The fibers lose strength and become brittle.

更老的人是否造成更脆的骨头?And would older people have more brittle bones?

锆石比其他宝石材料的脆性高。Zircon is most brittle than other gem materials.

指甲发脆表明缺钙。Brittle nails are indicative of calcium deficiency.

经过化学处理的头发会变得焦脆。Chemically treated hair can become dry and brittle.

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出现小裂纹必然是脆性断裂的前兆。Crazing is the invariable precursor of brittle fracture.

过少的内聚性将使系统变得脆弱。Too little, and the system becomes stovepiped and brittle.

骨弓你有点骨质疏松,多吃点菠菜。Clinkz, your bones were brittle. Shoulda eaten more spinach.

脆性泡沫金属有比较长而平缓的屈服平台区。The collapse region of brittle metal foams is wide and even.

一只大螃蟹正笨拙地穿越海星花园。A sheep crab gallops clumsily across the brittle star garden.

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还能够抑止合金钢由于火而惹起的脆性。Can also restrain the alloy steel as the fire caused brittle.

比萨饼的饼底依然酥脆,也没有变得易碎。The pizza base retains its crispness without becoming brittle.

聚乙烯薄膜的脆化分子量一般为4000—6000左右。The molecular weight is about 4000-6000 when PE film is brittle.