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您如何看待同性恋婚姻的合法化这一问题。What do you think about the legitimization of the marriage of the homosexuals?

从国情看,中国已具备安乐死的社会条件,安乐死合法化具有可行性。From the viewpoint of the situation of China, legitimization of euthanasia has been feasible.

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安乐死“合法性”研究应是“合法化”研究的前导。It is necessary to precondition the study of legality to legitimization in Euthanasia's research.

最后提出了新企业合法化成长研究的未来方向。Finally, we propose some future research directions on new venture growth based on legitimization.

第二次鸦片战争失败后,清政府被迫承认鸦片贸易的合法化。After was defeated in the second opium war, Qing Dynasty was forced to accept the legitimization of opium trade.

继续推进软件正版化,2008年360家企业完成正版化任务。The legitimization of software was reinforced continuously, and in 2008, 360 enterprises completed the application of legitimate software.

的确,汉文化也为权力提供扭曲的合法性,这一方面以狂人金正日为代表。To be sure, the Sinic culture also provided a twisted legitimization of power run amok in the cases of megalomaniacs Mao Zedong and Kim Jong Il.

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当下中国民间社会团体发展所面临的“合法性”危机突出表现为社会层面的正当性与规范层面的合法性之间的冲突。Such legitimization crisis is prominently reflected as the conflicts between social "justification" of social community and "legality" of legal norm.

“合法性”危机已经成为当代中国民间社会团体发展的“瓶颈”问题,也影响着法治中国的实现。Legitimization crisis has become a bottleneck in the further development of civil associations and greatly impacts the realization of China ruling of law.

民主权利依存于社会文化的价值,而且也融合于该社会的文化的价值中,民主权力的合法性是它所存在的社会文化的价值的形式。Legitimization of democratic right is the form of the value of social culture due to its dependence of democratic rights on the value of social culture and their syncretizing.

制度学派对合法性的研究揭示了新企业成长过程是一个合法化的过程。Then this paper presents a review of the legitimacy theory in terms of its definition, dimensions, the relationship between legitimization strategy and new venture growth, etc.

刑法的违法阻却事由、合法抗辩事由以及排除社会危害性行为说是安乐死合法化的刑法理论基础。The criminal law theory concerning the legitimization of euthanasia has the basis of exemption from punishment, ground of legal pleading and theory of exclusion from endangering society.

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哈贝马斯对法政治学的一个重要贡献是阐释现代社会中法律的合法性来源和危机问题。One of the important contributions that Juergen Habermas has made to the Politics of Law was his theoretical answer to the origin of legitimization of law and its crisis in modern society.

企图达到合法化和接受,从大社会,提倡的神秘学有近年来描绘了隐匿性,因为基本上可以通过科学的调查。In an attempt to achieve legitimization and acceptance from the larger society, advocates of occultism have in recent years portrayed the occult as basically amenable to scientific investigation.