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双列杂交法分析抗性遗传规律。Hereditary features by diallel cross analysis.

本文提出了分析双列杂交试验资料的两个遗传模型。Two genetic models are proposed for analyzing experimental data from diallel crosses.

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本试验采用完全双列杂交方法,对家蚕的生命力与茧质性状进行了遗传研究。Genetic analysis on the inheritance of pupation rate and some traits of cocoon were adopted with diallel cross.

本研究利用全互交遗传图析进行白米淀粉糊黏度测定值之遗传分析。A genetic study on amylographic viscosity measurements of milled rice flour by means of diallel graph was conducted.

采用完全双列杂交法对高粱49个基因型的8个穗部性状进行了遗传相关分析。Hereditary correlation analysis was made on 8 panicle characters in 49 sorghum genotypes in a complete diallel cross.

利用6个不同抗性的冬瓜材料,采用完全双列杂交,研究了冬瓜枯萎病抗性遗传规律。Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium wilt was analyzed by a complete diallel crossing among 6 inbred lines of winter melon.

采用不完全双列杂交的方法,研究了不同雄性不育细胞质对高粱主要农艺性状的影响。The influence of different male sterile cytoplasms upon sorghum main agronomic traits was studied by using incomplete diallel cross.

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用轮回式部分双列杂交法对大麦花药离体培养力进行基因型差异及配合力分析。Genotype difference and combing ability of barley anther culture response was investigated by the way of circulated partial diallel crossing.

用轮回式部分双列杂交法对大麦花药离体培养力进行基因型差异及配合力分析。Genotype difference and combing ability of barley anther culture response were investigated by the way of circulated partial diallel crossing.

应用双列杂交设计,研究了遗传来源不同的12个甘蓝型油菜品种间66个双列组合的单株籽粒产量及产量性状的杂种优势。Heterosis of seed yield and its components of 66 crosses, from a diallel cross design of 12 parental varieties of Brassica napus L. were studied.

通过双列杂交方式,对8个春小麦品种的结实小穗数和穗粒数进行一般配合力和特殊配合力效应分析。The diallel cross was used to analyze GCA and SCA effects on grain number per spike and fruit number per small spike of eight spring wheat genotypes.

对两套杉木亲本在种源和个体两水平的双列杂交试验进行了遗传分析。There were two sets of two level diallel cross experiments at the level of provenance and individual in Chinese fir which were analyzed in this paper.

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主要对双列杂交法在作物增产、品质改良、抗性遗传育种等方面的应用历史、现状和前景进行概述。The application history, status and prospects of diallel cross in improvement of yield and quality, and resistance breeding are reviewed in this paper.

应用完全双列杂交设计,对松毛虫赤眼蜂几个种群间繁殖性状的杂交效果进行了研究。The efficiency of hybridization on reproductive characters of five populations in Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura was studied by using complete diallel cross design.

本文提出了在随机区组设计下利用各小区单株观察值分析不完全双列杂交一般配合力和特殊配合力的最小二乘法。The method of least squares for estimating GCA and SCA of incomplete diallel cross was presented for a randomized block design on the observations of individual plant.

利用9个不同生态类型的59份粳稻亲本材料,以生态型为单位进行双列杂交,配制303个组合,研究各生态类型和杂种主要品质特性。Total 59 Japonic rice lines from 9 ecotypes were used as materials in this study, and main quality characters of F1 hybrids of 303 combinations created in a diallel set of cross were analysed.