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古巴方面坚持要求美国撤消封港令。Cuba insisted on removal of the embargo.

与古巴的禁止贸易令由此终止。It was the embargo ending trade with Cuba.

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该国对所有进口品实行禁运。The country has put an embargo on all imports.

禁运只会殃及无辜的百姓。The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.

我们会重新考虑高科技产品出口壁垒。We are reconsidering the embargo on hi-tech products.

阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo.

相反,我们却实行贸易禁运或是把某人投进监狱。Instead, we impose an embargo or throw someone in prison.

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不过也有更多更充分立即撤销禁令的理由。But there are more powerful reasons to drop the embargo now.

他想就你禁运飞毯的事和你谈谈。He wants a word with you about your embargo on flying carpets.

当时的制裁措施包括武器和军用物资禁运。The sanctions also include an arms and military material embargo.

“夏风号”曾去过古巴,很明显违反了美国的禁运令。The yacht went to Cuba, apparently breaking the American embargo.

它甚至不允许其海军船只实施对利比亚的武器禁运。It would not even let its ships enforce the arms embargo on Libya.

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但到了1980年以色列是违反武器禁运的最后一个主要国家。But by 1980 Israel was the last major violator of the arms embargo.

伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗地海的船只进港。The Port of London laid an embargo on ships coming from the Baltic.

新油源将补足石油禁运所造成的油源空缺。New sources of oil will take up the slack resulting from the embargo.

伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the Baltic.

北约已经承担了实施武器禁运和禁飞区的指挥权。NATO has taken command of enforcing the arms embargo and the no-fly zone.

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TCCC不允许任何被美国政府列为贸易禁运国家中的生产。TCCC will not allow production in any country under trade embargo by the U.

走私很猖獗,政府的禁运令行同虚设。Smuggling is rampant so the embargo imposed by the government seems useless.

在此背景下,双方讨论了欧盟对华军售禁令问题。In this context they discussed the issue of the EU arms embargo against China.