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我的左腿疼得厉害。My left leg is stinging.

烟把我的眼睛熏得很疼。The smoke is stinging my eyes.

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烟呛得我眼睛仍感到痛。My eyes are still stinging from the smoke.

言语可以是很棒的爱抚也可以刺痛的巴掌。Words can be a cool caress or a stinging slap.

汗珠已流进了昆塔的眼睛,使他不禁要眨一下眼以免刺痛。Kunta's eyes, making him blink to stop the stinging.

蜜蜂蛰过受害者后,不久就会死亡。Soon after stinging its victim, a honeybee will die.

“我看,很像是蜇人咒。”卢修斯说。"Looks more like a Stinging Jinx to me, " said Lucius.

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拳击蟹在遇到捕食者时会挥动长满刺的触须。The crabs wave stinging tentacles in the faces of predators.

对宝宝的眼睛和皮肤如水般温和,无泪,无刺痛。As mild as water to baby's eyes and skin. No tearing, no stinging.

突然,米奇觉得风中的冰像无数的针儿一样刺痛了她的脸。Suddenly Mikey noticed the sharp needles of ice stinging her face.

肮脏的空气或空气传播的垃圾引起眼睛刺痛和流鼻涕。Dirty air or air-borne garbage causes stinging eyes and running nose.

别人指责他盗窃,他反咬人一口。When accused of theft he came back with a stinging counteraccusation.

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许多狼蛛腹部覆盖着密集的刺状茸毛。Many tarantulas have a dense covering of stinging hairs on the abdomen.

他后退几步,端详着套在一起的两件衬衣,泪水夺眶然而出,刺痛了他的双眼。He stepped back and looked at the ensemble through a few stinging tears.

由于对漏油事件处理不力,该公司面临严厉批评。The company has faced stinging criticism over its handling of the spill.

一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们的身上,每一雨点打来都象冰雹般刺痛。A shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone.

再试试其他的自然方法,比如用刺荨麻来减缓充血。Try other natural remedies such as stinging nettle to relieve congestion.

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一阵倾盆大雨直泻到我们身上,每个雨点打来都像冰雹般刺痛。A shower of rain poured down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone.

这支皮革桨有可口地蜇的叮咬,和非常传神。This leather paddle has a deliciously stinging bite, and is very expressive.

汗珠已流进了昆塔的眼睛,使他不禁要眨一下眼以免刺痛。The sweat began to run into Kunta's eyes, making him blink to stop the stinging.