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他和夏延一同在社区里闲逛。Together he and Cheyenne explored the community.

亲爱的我必须走了,如果抓紧时间我还来得及赶到夏延。Gotta go now baby, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne.

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那么,亲爱的就这样吧,如果抓紧时间我还来得及赶到夏延。But it's alright baby, if I hurry I can still make Cheyenne.

爸爸的痛苦消失了,他和夏延交了不少朋友。Dad's bitterness faded, and he and Cheyenne made many friends.

这正是苏族印第安人和夏安印第安人居住。This is where the Sioux Indians and the Cheyenne Indians lived.

在这一点上,原来的夏延改名为夏延二。At this point, the original Cheyenne was renamed the Cheyenne II.

接下来的三年里,爸爸和夏延变得密不可分。Dad and Cheyenne were inseparable throughout the next three years.

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但我吃惊的看到,爸爸和夏延的朋友挤满了教堂。I was surprised to see the many friends Dad and Cheyenne had made filling the church.

这次,夏安族人被迫投降并被派送到位于俄克拉荷马州中的一个保留区。This time, the Cheyenne surrendered, and they were sent to a reservation in Oklahoma.

美国图片。像他平原努力地,银色马刺在引导摔角运动员科蒂搏斗闪烁经过这污垢的夏延河。As he lands hard, silver spurs on steer wrestler Coty Battles glint through the dirt of Cheyenne.

两天后,当我发现夏延躺在爸爸的床边,也已经死去时,便更加震惊和悲伤了。Two days later my shock and grief deepened when I discovered Cheyenne lying dead beside Dad's bed.

2003年,12岁的夏延·金波尔获得第一季“美国最有才华的儿童”比赛的冠军。In 2003, at 12 years of age, Cheyenne became the first season winner of "America's Most Talented Kid".

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基维拉国家野生动物保护区位于夏延洼地南部稍稍偏东的地方,驱车要走半个小时。Quivira National Wildlife Refuge is south and slightly east of Cheyenne Bottoms, a half-hour drive away.

这块冰河时期遗留下来的巨石静静的躺在南达科他州夏安河苏族部落公园的草原上。A glacial remnant boulder is surrounded by grassland in Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Park in South Dakota.

11月他的命令出乎意料的摧毁了夏安族首领布莱克·凯尔图的位于瓦什塔的村庄。In November his command surprised and destroyed the Cheyenne chief Black Kettle's village on the Washita River.

他们甚至开始周日一起去做礼拜,爸爸坐在教堂的长条凳上,夏延就安静的趴在他脚边。They even started to attend Sunday services together, Dad sitting in a pew and Cheyenne lying quietly at his feet.

吸引人潮对夏延镇而言已经不再是个问题,前来参加拓荒者日庆祝大会的游客高达180,000多名!Cheyenne no longer has a problem attracting people. The Frontier Days celebration attracts more than 180,000 visitors!

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这片土地一直通过契约被视为印第安人神圣的狩猎地,特别是苏族和夏安族。The region had been recognized by treaty as the sacred hunting ground of the Indians, primarily the Sioux and Cheyenne.

他大吃一惊,不过同意在电话里和夏安谈话——最后同意两人来洛杉矶看他。He was shocked but agreedto talk to Cheyenne on the phone—and eventually allowed the two to comevisit him in Los Angeles.

夏安族人有一个恒星妇女的传说,据说她从天而降,所有精美的食物从她身上长出来。The Cheyenne people tell of a Star Woman who fell from the heavens to the Earth. Out of her body all essential food grew.