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我是个列表专业户。I’m a list maker.

还是太阳能电池板制造商?Solar-panel maker?

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他是个帽匠。He was a hat maker.

帽匠有了个主意。The hat maker had an idea.

约翰·福特是要创造神话。John Ford was a maker of myth.

什么是虹吸式咖啡壶?What is a Siphon Coffee Maker?

比如说,我关掉咖啡壶了吗?Did I turn the coffee maker off?

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那里有自助的咖啡机。There is self-help coffee maker.

卧在床上就能打开你的咖啡壶帮你煮杯热咖啡。Turn on the coffee maker from bed

成衣工把裙子打褶。The dress maker gathered the skirt.

理察•赫胥是容器的制作者。Richard Hirsch is a maker of vessels.

如何取消置顶你的按钮制造机。How to Unstick Your Button Maker Machine.

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喝赛尔脱兹水的人可以买一个苏打水制造机。Seltzer drinkers can buy a seltzer maker.

隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker.

米勒是一个久经考验的传球手和射手。Miller is a proven play maker and shooter.

需要把材料放进冰淇淋制造机。You have to put it into an ice cream maker.

老篮制造商心灰意冷地往家走。The old-basket maker went home, disheartened.

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福州塔台,白鹭8801过远台。Fuzhou Tower, Xiamen Air 8801, over out maker.

布什总统是个十分善于做决定的人。President Bush is an excellent decision maker.

电影制作人维姬和她心爱的种子项链。Film maker Vicky and her beloved seed necklace.